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At one company (think bank/financial services) I was at as a "software development supervisor" I had to run a daily standup/scrum meeting every day, for 3 years. It really became oppressive over time. That company eventually had layoffs and I left. But they were still doing the daily standup, even when there were only 3 people left.

Indeed there are multiple such optimizations. One that occurs to me is a hub/spoke model where inter-city/state is driverless, from/to truck "yards" on the outskirts of cities. Then human drivers take over and drive the last few miles. Drivers get to go home every night and lead normal lives instead of living on the road.

How is authentication/authorization handled with this stack? Or sign up with email validation and password reset?

It's a little bit involved but doable.


So where is the secret key stored for signing the JWT? In the front end as well?

Edit: Oh I found it here: https://postgrest.org/en/stable/how-tos/sql-user-management....

That’s a pretty neat design. Also an interesting attack surface

RDBMS auth and roles are a thing. They even support mTLS.

Wire length matching would seem to be a big factor in attaining the highest performance.

Very interesting indeed:

> discovery of a new quantum algorithm that offers an exponential advantage for simulating coupled classical harmonic oscillators.

> To enable the simulation of a large number of coupled harmonic oscillators, we came up with a mapping that encodes the positions and velocities of all masses and springs into the quantum wavefunction of a system of qubits. Since the number of parameters describing the wavefunction of a system of qubits grows exponentially with the number of qubits, we can encode the information of N balls into a quantum mechanical system of only about log(N) qubits.

Cheap SEMs are also useful for electron beam lithography, which has gotten some attention lately with Canons machine <10nm process.

Parsing cobol is actually not bad. The grammar is pretty simple; the "rail road" diagrams correspond to the recursive descent parser very directly.


Interesting, I remember it be harder than that. But, when I had to write a basic parser during the Y2K storm, I was still a bit green in my programming skillsets.

Hmm, yea. I guess I'll have to take a look and see how they handled it. Thanks for the link!

We did this, and I'd add that repeating what they say back to them so they get that feedback is important too. It's startling to see the difference between our kids and their class mates, who's parents don't talk them (I know this from observing at the countless birthday parties, school events, and sports events). Talking to kids is like watering flower, they bloom into beautiful beings.

> You could consider building this storage system on top of BLAKE3's tree model.

Consider a crypto currency pow that did that without the chunk counter. It'd be trivially exploitably by precalculating all the tree but the chunk that changed per nonce.

Vinges novella "True Names" for anyone interested.

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