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Another similar artist that's still alive is Jon Sarkin [1] He has made over 10,000 pieces of outsider art usually drawn on the back of vinyl album covers. He has an archive of work online [2] and is active on instagram [3]

[1] https://jonsarkin.com [2] https://archive.jonsarkin.com [3] https://instagram.com/jonsarkin

AllSpice | https://allspice.io/ | Boston, MA | Full time | Remote/Onsite | Sr. - Principal| golang, Vuejs

At AllSpice, we're building the future of hardware development and collaboration, applying modern software design principles to the hardware industry with revision control, design review, and automated test (think GitHub/Bitbucket for hardware). AllSpice is unlocking the next generation of smart vehicles, IOT devices, rockets, medical devices, robotics, and much more.


We have a highly-capable, tight-knit, remote-first team with a flex office in Somerville, MA and competitive benefits. We strongly value continuous communication and personal development. See more on our careers page [https://allspice.notion.site/AllSpice-Careers-3173d0cd518b42...]

We're hiring primarily for:

Senior / Principle Infrastructure Engineer - Join our incredible engineering team by helping coordinate our infrastructure team and supporting enterprise clients. You'll work on automating our deployments, scaling infrastructure, and testing/planning architecture to support new feature development. More info here: https://allspice.notion.site/Sr-Principal-Infrastructure-Eng...

Tech Stack: Docker, Terraform, GoLang, Rust, Python, Vue

Apply by emailing us at jobs@allspice[dot]io with [HN] in the title and a link to your GitHub/GitLab profile and/or resume.

AllSpice | https://allspice.io/ | Boston, MA | Full time | Remote/Onsite | Sr. - Principal| golang, Vuejs

At AllSpice, we're building the future of hardware development and collaboration, applying modern software design principles to the hardware industry with revision control, design review, and automated test (think GitHub/Bitbucket for hardware). AllSpice is unlocking the next generation of smart vehicles, IOT devices, rockets, medical devices, robotics, and much more.


We have a highly-capable, tight-knit, remote-first team with a flex office in Somerville, MA and competitive benefits. We strongly value continuous communication and personal development. See more on our careers page [https://allspice.notion.site/AllSpice-Careers-3173d0cd518b42...]

We're hiring primarily for:

Senior / Principle Infrastructure Engineer - Join our incredible engineering team by helping coordinate our infrastructure team and supporting enterprise clients. You'll work on automating our deployments, scaling infrastructure, and testing/planning architecture to support new feature development. More info here: https://allspice.notion.site/Sr-Principal-Infrastructure-Eng...

Tech Stack: Docker, Terraform, GoLang, Rust, Python, Vue

Apply by emailing us at jobs@allspice[dot]io with [HN] in the title and a link to your GitHub/GitLab profile and/or resume.

> Senior / Principle Infrastructure Engineer

Just a heads up, the spelling should be Principal. It's a common mistake (somehow), so no worries, but there's a difference between the two.


> It's a common mistake (somehow), so no worries, but there's a difference between the two.

It's the principle of the thing innit?

Terry A. Davis vibes?

He had divine intellect and was chosen to build god's temple.


Equilibrium | Multiple roles, see below | Globally distributed, REMOTE | Full-time

https://equilibrium.co is a venture studio and services company that develops Web3 infrastructure for the likes of The Ethereum Foundation, Dapper Labs, Zcash, Forte, and Protocol Labs.

We are currently hiring for a whole bunch of positions:

- Backend systems engineer (web3)

- QA Specialist

- DevOps Practitioner

- Elixir/Erlang Developers (or Ruby devs who want to move to Elixir)

- Mid-level and Senior Go Developers

- TypeScript Developer

- C++ Developer

- Senior Rust Developer

- Smart Contract Developer (Solidity but also other SC languages)

See https://equilibrium.jobilla.com for information about all the positions listed above, and more

Equilibrium | Multiple roles, see below | Globally distributed, REMOTE | Full-time

https://equilibrium.co is a venture studio and services company that develops Web3 infrastructure for the likes of The Ethereum Foundation, Dapper Labs, Zcash, Forte, and Protocol Labs.

We are currently hiring for a whole bunch of positions:

- Backend systems engineer (web3)

- QA Specialist

- DevOps Practitioner

- Elixir/Erlang Developers (or Ruby devs who want to move to Elixir)

- Mid-level and Senior Go Developers

- TypeScript Developer

- C++ Developer

- Senior Rust Developer

- Smart Contract Developer (Solidity but also other SC languages)

See https://equilibrium.jobilla.com for information about all the positions listed above

Swarm persistence is hard, if not close to impossible. Better that multiple parties pin the data than just one though. It's a step in the right direction.

Agreed. I started looking into setting up cluster followers, but currently you have to have enough space to pin everything and can't have it only do a percentage.

OrbitDB doesn't rely on a blockchain at all

It's not dead, just in a bit of a lull due to funding, which is hopefully coming soon. We have a very active Gitter and OpenCollective.

Source: I'm one of the core maintainers

Is there any interest in supporting other languages? Like how libp2p is being gradually ported to Rust, Go, Java. I feel like OrbitDB could become the new data model of the web if it went multi language. Or maybe was compiled to WebAssembly and embeddable using Wasmer.

There's definitely interest. Berty has a Go implementation and the idea of a Rust implementation gets tossed around every season.

Can Webassembly read IndexedDB yet?

It seems so: https://github.com/nwestfall/BlazorDB

Although this might be using JavaScript interop instead of using WebAssembly directly.

Edit: check this out: https://www.ditto.live/

It’s a multi language CRDT implementation that seems to use WebAssembly to be available in multiple languages.

https://equilibrium.co | Multiple Positions | REMOTE | Full/Part/Freelance

Equilibrium is a worldwide distributed team dedicated to building and maintaining the distributed web.

We're hiring for a number of roles:

+ Open Source Community Manager: https://www.notion.so/Hiring-OSS-Community-Manager-28be57e3d...

+ Smart Contract Developer: https://www.notion.so/Hiring-Smart-Contract-Developer-235f2e...

+ Technical Writer: https://www.notion.so/Hiring-Technical-Writer-bc6a543f6bea40...

+ Rust Engineer: https://www.notion.so/Hiring-Rust-Engineer-882281f5248e45579...

+ Senior Rust Engineer: https://www.notion.so/Hiring-Senior-Rust-Engineer-e6c94ccc26...

Please apply using the instructions on each posting! We look forward to hearing from you.

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