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I wish people would stop going on about BSD jails as if they are the same. I would recommend at least using jails first. Most people using container technologies are well versed in BSD jails, as well as other technologies such as LXD, CRI-O, Micro VM's, and traditional virtualization technologies (KVM).

You will encounter rough edges with any technology if you use it long enough. Container technologies require learning new skills, and this is where I personally see people often get frustrated. There is also the lean left mentality of container environments, where you are expected to be responsible for your environment, which is difficult for some. I.E. users become responsible for more then in a traditional virtualizated environment. People didn't stop using VM's, they just started using containers as well. What you should use is dependent on the workload. When you have to manage more then a single VM, and work on a larger team, the value of containers becomes more apparent. Not to mention the need to rapidly patch and update in today's environment. Often VM's don't get patched because applications aren't architected in a way to allow for updates without downtime, although it is possible. There is a mentality of 'if it's not broke, don't fix it'. There is some truth that virtualized hardware can provide bounds of seperation as well, but other things like selinux also enforce these boundaries. Not to mention containers are often running inside VM's as well.

Using ephemeral VM's is not a new concept. The idea of 'cattle vs pets', and cloud, was built on KVM (OpenStack/AWS).

It is bold of RedHat to claim this is 'their solution'. UEFI has already been used for years to boot without grub. Some examples, MacOS, HP-UX, or systemd-boot via UEFI.

Depending on the environment you can also use the truncate command. This will work if the file is open as well.


Small note, most people go back using the gesture navigation for Android now days. It's also consistent in going back a screen normally.

The answer is yes. It has also been well studied (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workplace_democracy). If you want to understand more of the history, look at the IWW, or other resources such as the Chomsky's book A People's History. Usually the idea that it will not work is a capitalist view pushed from the top down onto workers. I.E. You are not smart enough, or you are too lazy, to be productive without a figure of authority making decisions for you. Even the concept of what is considered productive use of time can be a topic of discussion in this regard. Anarchy is largely misunderstood also, it is a philosophy that focuses on the collective making decisions, instead of a central figure of authority.

Ref: Noam Chomsky on Worker Ownership and Markets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RafTFDwImrU

Correction,'A People's History'is authored by Howard Zinn. I was thinking about both authors.

Give Firefox Developer Edition a try, if haven't already, and are looking for more robust development tools.

Looking at https://www.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/developer/ I'm a bit confused... Which features are just new features which will soon be in the main Firefox DevTools, and which are specific to installing the Developer Edition?

AFAIK, Firefox Developer Edition is currently just a repackaging of Firefox Beta and doesn’t have different devtools. It used to be a rebranding of Firefox Aurora (an alpha release channel between Firefox Nightly and Beta, now retired) with a different theme and a few different devtool setting changes.

Maybe I was just unlucky, but the one time I tried it, it refused to launch.

I'd rather not have my professional work tools be built against a beta channel when there are better alternatives.

I have been using the Developer Edition since 2014, when it was released, without issue. You are not locked into a single browser. Personally I use more then one browser, and professionally I always validate against multiple browsers.

I find different browsers excel at different things in regards to the developer experience. As an example I appreciate that Firefox had a formatted JSON view without requiring an extension. However Chrome also has capabilities that I wish were included in Firefox.

What are the differences compared to regular Firefox?

Firefox Developer Edition is targeted towards developers, and contains the latest development tools available.

New features also land quicker, as it is built against Firefox beta.

It seems like this isn't very well known, but the design of Comic Sans is actually intended to help children with dyslexia. The creator of Comic Sans also talks about this in his lectures. Listening to him talk about the design of the typeface changed my perception of it.

Ref: Vincent Connare: Comic Sans is the Best Font in the World https://youtu.be/xXdzBTeYZlE

Ref: https://www.nothingcomicaboutdyslexia.com/

Was it intended to?

I know it's useful for dyslexics but I've not seen anyone claim it was intentionally designed with that intent and I'm pretty sure that has been explained to be a happy coincidence in the past.

Ref2 doesn't state that, and I can't do video right now.

Edit: And neither does Ref1

The story I've always heard (which is backed up by Wikipedia) is that Comic Sans was designed for the speech bubbles of characters in Microsoft Bob, to make them seem less "formal" and more relatable. The fact that the letterforms are "terribly proportioned," as u/crazygringo says, is what actually makes the letters easier for dyslexic people to distinguish.


Also some of the issues that cause it to be badly formed/hinted/kerned in print and on decent resolution devices, are because it was specifically optimised to be readable on the low-res screens that were ubiquitous at the time (also a time when sub-pixel-rendering support wasn't a thing either, at least not on Windows, to increase the effective resolution).

Thank you for the correction. I thought I had read it was part of the initial design consideration at one point, but reading about it further again, I think the discovery that it helped dyslexic readers happened after the typeface was made public.

It is still an interesting aspect of the typeface that doesn't get much attention though, although there are other typefaces that also try to help with dyslexia.

If you are interested in design, I still recommend watching the talk when you have the time. It has been a while since I watched it, but the designer is well spoken.

There's a font called OpenDyslexic[1] that was actually designed to do that

[1] https://opendyslexic.org/

Some info about these fonts here https://www.edutopia.org/article/do-dyslexia-fonts-actually-...

Fwiw my dyslexic friends feel no benefit from these fonts. Would love to hear other experiences.

It is a good question, I have read mixed reports about the effectiveness as well. Besides specific typefaces, there are also techniques like bionic reading.



Sorry again, I thought I remembered the designer talking about this in the video I referenced. I should have watched it again before referencing it.

Interesting, my dyslexic sister absolutely swears by Dyslexie (a similar font) and has set her Kindle to use it all the time.

I wonder if there are different sub-variants of dyslexia that work on different principles?

Also, there's this open source font: https://www.lexend.com/

> It is still an interesting aspect of the typeface that doesn't get much attention though,

It gets mentioned in every single comment section I see on Comic Sans.

Private contracts can not invalidate federal laws or rights, although many corporations would like you to think that.

Right, you have to agree to audio recording in certain states (google 2-way recording laws). To ensure they have that acceptance, they have you sign a disclosure that audio recording may happen while you are using work resources. Nothing federally that is being invalidated here, just CYA for all 50 states

Except that I live in Canada where the laws are different. You may be able to record employees with consent in the workplace, but that doesn't extend into allowing an employer to apply surveillance into an employees private spaces and personal life. I am saying 'private space' intentionally, because public spaces are regulated differently. The laws around employee monitoring are rapidly changing in Canada however. I am hoping that we will see stronger regulations in the future regarding the use of surveillance in the workplace. One party consent exists in Canada, but that assumes a call between two people where one person is recording the call. What is being described is an employer that is recording video and audio indiscriminately at all times. This also is not allowed in America.


The right to privacy in the constitution is most explicitly mentioned in Amendment I, Amendment III, and Amendment IV of the U.S. Constitution. The privacy of belief, privacy of home, and privacy of the person and possessions is included in the U.S. Constitution.[19]

Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_privacy

In regards to my comment about contracts, I have seen several contacts where employers think they can negate laws by adding clauses to their contracts. I am sure you have seen some of these these clauses, such as non-compete clauses. I know this is still legal in some states, but it isn't here, and adding such a clause is not enforceable.

To be more accurate, React uses its virtual DOM implementation.


In other countries such as Japan public transit is generally faster then private transportation. I think one of the reasons you see a low adoption of public transportation in some North American cities is because it can do the opposite and extend your trip duration by a significant amount. Safety is obviously another factor. It seems like in a lot of places pedestrians are treated with disregard. Pedestrians being able to safely commute within their communities shouldn't be controversial, but for some reason it is.

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