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People who tip love it?!

I certainly don’t. And I’m tired of having to think of someone’s wages every time I go out for dinner.

Some people, I would call them “old fashioned”, who do love it, because it gives them some sort of reassurance that the service will be good, did tell me that if I don’t like tipping, I shouldn’t go out. That was a couple years ago. Guess what, I took their advice and now I don’t eat out as much. Same goes for many others in my environment. People are getting fed up of paying $80 just in tips with subpar food.

Honestly, I hope that not eating out becomes a trend. I know those who depend on others subsidizing their labor force with tips won’t take the hint, but I won’t shed a tear for those closing down.

People who tip love the idea of the workers not having to pay taxes, usually, yes.

> They were full of the most disgusting bigoted hateful rhetoric. It actually made me feel quite uncomfortable, thinking about who was writing and distributing it.

It's really weird that the people behind Epoch, are the same that one can find peacefully protesting in many major cities against the treatment they receive in China.

I have to say, their behaviour in recent years made me rethink their claims about illegal organ harvesting. I know both things, they being a hateful cult and being oppressed and killed by the Chinese regime, can be true, but their alignment with far right groups and conspiracy theorists is hard to overlook.

During early COVID, they also reported that, based on calls to overloaded crematoriums under false name, the number of COVID deaths was much higher than given in the official figures. Those official figures were eventually corrected upwards, confirming the Epoch times reports.

See "This Chinese Cult is Not Your Friend - the Falun Gong story" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JaPzJKycxc


Falun Gong and Epoch Times receive funding from Congress via the National Endowment for Democracy. I guess the USA promotes them since they're a thorn in the side of China.

And yeah, they get up to some weird stuff.


Organ harvesting in Chinese prisons is a real thing that happened (state even acknowledged it), but to what extent and until when is unclear. The probably most comprehensive write-up on the issue is by the China Tribunal, but I wouldn't take their words ar face value, since all the authors are falun gong associated or have a vested interest in making China look bad. If you're interested in the topic, read the report, it contains a lot of circumstantial evidence and conjectures. Nothing that would hold up in a court of law, but imo. At least raises a number of questions surrounding Chinese claims on the issue.

The Falun Gong claim that their organs were targeted because they are "purer" sounds like straight up bullshit to me. Horrible as they may be, the CCP is very materialistic and doesn't put much stake in spiritual bullshit.

Falun Gong itself was both a cult and a spiritual movement, with at its peak close to 100 million practitioners in China. Since the harsh crackdown in the 90s, mostly the cult side is left, and they are dangerous loonies.

> Since the harsh crackdown in the 90s, mostly the cult side is left, and they are dangerous loonies.

Be careful what you believe about the Falun Gong; the CCP has spent vast amounts of money and resources smearing them, you can't take everything you read at face value.

True, but I think what they say about themselves is already enough of an indictment. And then the leader lives on a giant luxurious ranch in DC with his dozen or so wives, while managing a global disinformation empire that allegedly is also involved in criminal behaviour.

Care to give links for that? Last I heard about it they had a property in NY and their leader had only one wife. I googled to see if I could find anything about their DC ranch but didn't found anything.

I'm sorry, I actually mixed up my cults, you are completely correct that they are located close to NY, and it does not seem that their leader has any allegations of sexual misconduct.

> I didn’t realize they were affiliated with Falun Gong. The only reason I even know this company existed is their billboards started popping up on the highway recently.

Their media arm is quite ubiquitous in Asia. They also run Shen Yun [0], whose pamphlets you may have seen around from time to time.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shen_Yun

Honest question, what's wrong with Java? It's performant, has mature libraries, good documentation, and supported pretty much everywhere.

There's plenty I'd like to improve but it's honestly in a very good shape. There's a reason enterprise picks Java - it's battle tested and there are enough quality developers around. Frameworks like Spring for webdev are top notch. Unless you've got a very specific reason to pick something else (python or rust or whatever) Java is the safe bet (along with c# but Java is an order of magnitude bigger I think).

It's just people taking memes seriously. Java is great and continuously improving.

Should have been C# with ASP.NET Core and EF Core instead. Hibernate is extremely dreadful to work with and no one in their sane mind should even have the gall to ask users to touch it when better options exist. Spring Boot also performs very poorly against ASP.NET Core.

It's not just a meme. The developer experience in Java is worse compared to some other popular programming languages like JavaScript, Go, Python, etc. The language is a bit verbose, and the compiling speed is slow, hence the development speed is slower. Java developers tend to overly abstract things, so the code tends to be unnecessarily complicated. The JVM also has a high memory footprint, the startup speed is slow, and it requires warming up the JIT. Some popular libraries and frameworks overuse reflection and annotation, they are nice to use but are nightmares to debug when issues happen. This is why GraalVM and Kotlin have been gaining popularity recently, as they aim to address several issues with the JVM and Java. The biggest strengths of Java are its ecosystem and community.

It is a meme.

I'm not sure if any of this is true and you seem to be contradicting yourself. Java is far less verbose than Go, and the compiler is leagues faster than kotlin's, graal's native compiler, probably most other languages, and I'm sure its faster than Babel. Javac doesn't do any optimizations, just emits bytecode. Why is it acceptable for Go to be verbose and kotlinc to be slow?

I'm not saying that Go or Kotlin is better than Java in all of those aspects. I'm just saying that Kotlin, GraalVM exists because Java, JVM have certain issues or limitation. For Golang, I'm just saying that the developer experience in Go is better. It's not just my personal experience, you can find the same result in any developer survey.

I clearly wasn’t surveyed. I don’t even like Java but I would need a an extender to my ten foot pole before touching Go. (Unless we are talking microcontroller embedded software, and I only could choose between Java and Go.)

I initially disliked Go as well, but it's a language that can only be truly appreciated when you start using it. Many of its advantages come from from its simplicity, explicitness, fast compilation speed, single executable binary, and some opinionated choices made by its authors. Unless you're working with a legacy system, Go (or Rust) is the preferred choice nowadays for distributed systems and system softwares (Kubernestes, TiDB, traefik, to name a few). It's also the default choice for numerous internet companies like Uber, ByteDance, and Monzo.

Here is a survey if you'd like to participate this year, but I don't think it will significantly alter the results.


Oh that survey. Solidity leads over Javascript.

The developer experience when trying to maintain a Python codebase the size of an average enterprise Java codebase is pretty...abysmal.

A python codebase never gets to the size of a Java one for the equivalent functionality. There's a reason the other ongoing mocking of Java is about its abundance of IAbstractGeneratorFactoryFactory classes.

This is true but Python codebases never reaches the feature parity of large Java code bases. I like Python up to about 10 kLOC or so, after that I tend to forget what is going on where, but in Java the IDE just knows what is going on where.

I hear you, and if you're using anything other than PyCharm (or Eclipse with PyDev back in the day) then that's what you'll find. But try it with PyCharm, it works flawlessly with near perfect refractor on million line of code python code bases.

> The developer experience in Java is worse compared to some other popular programming languages like JavaScript, Go, Python,

Wait, what?

Go, maybe.

But the dev experience in languages that are only able to catch errors at runtime, like Javascript and Python, are painful!

Looking at existing Python/Node.js codebases, half the automated tests are there simply to catch errors that statically typed languages catch for free, and even those tests aren't a match for a statically-typed language anyway.

I hate, hate, hate, HATE working on languages where my only options are:

1. Pray that no future code calls this function I just wrote with the wrong parameter types.

2. Write tests for all the callers of that function, to defend against some caller getting called with some combination of arguments that result in the function being called with the wrong types, while knowing full well I can't cover all possible cases like I would in a statically typed language.

Honestly, the first step in writing software is modelling the data types and structures[1]. In Node.js and Python you can model all you want but enforcement is left to developer discretion.

At this point in time, having done a few Node.js and Python backends, the dev experience in c11 is superior.

In order of least painful to most painful, in my experience of writing backends:

1. Go 2. Java 3. C# 4. C 5. C++ 6. PHP, Python, Node, Ruby, etc.

Those languages in #6 above are popular because they allow you to hodge-podge your system together.

[1] The second step is modelling the data flow, of course.

Perhaps your experience with them was a long time ago. I agree that working with dynamic typing languages can be painful, but Python has had type hints since version 3.5, and JavaScript has Flow, or you can use TypeScript.

You can’t be serious comparing ASP.NET Core and EF Core to the abomination that is writing full back-end including DB access in Go or Java (assuming Spring Boot and Hibernate).

There is nothing inherently wrong with Java, people just love to joke about it. To some extent, justifiably so. Not necessarily because of the language, more because of the common patterns in established there

Also the kinds of people who know how to solve the kinds of problems that this sort of software deals with are likely to be Java programmers.

The biggest strike against Java at this point (IMO) is that you don't know what Oracle are going to do to make your life harder in the future.

There's nothing wrong with Java. It's old and boring, but most good tech is.

> Now, as a matter of academic courtesy it's nice to cite the SE post if it's feasible, but it's impossible for me to remember where I learned everything I've learned over the years. Likewise, an LLM shouldn't be forced to cite where it learned facts, which might be technically hard/impossible, but if there is a clear best source then as a matter of politeness it should. And LLMs mostly do this when they can!

Scientific papers have included references for as long as I can remember. It's not about courtesy, but precision and acknowledgement.

So, are we letting LLMs run free and do things that would be frowned upon if they were done by humans?

When LLMs are used to write academic papers, then there is definitely a stronger requirement on the authors deploying them for identifying the source of ideas, as a matter of professional ethics (not law). But this isn't the issue being discussed, and it's not anything new with LLMs. Long before LLMs, academic authors occasionally got ideas from other places StackExchange without citing them properly in papers. (They frequently learn things from StackExchange, but most of the time they don't need to cite them because it's part of common knowledge. Cases where they got novel, cite-necessary insights is much rarer, as it will be for LLMs.)

> You break not just your own content but entire discussions if you mass-delete your contributions.

If they allow users to delete or edit their own content, then what's the issue? That just sounds like a technical problem StackExchange didn't think of.

On the other hand, why is this behaviour deemed unacceptable, and StackExchange double dipping on user generated content is not?

> On the other hand, why is this behaviour deemed unacceptable, and StackExchange double dipping on user generated content is not?

At least I'm engaging on StackExchange with the understanding that conversations (questions, answers, comments) there go on the public record for the benefit of future curious humans. I see that as a way of giving back to a community that's provided me with invaluable knowledge.

If I'd known somebody might delete their half of a fruitful conversation as a political statement months or years down the road, I might never have spent the time and effort of participating.

Thinking of it in terms of co-authorship, one of several co-authors also doesn't get to retroactively destroy the combined work by ripping out their individual contributions. If you collaborate, make sure you know and are aligned with the terms of the resulting work.

They've definitely thought about it. This is not the first user to rage quit and vandalize their posts and they have standard procedures to deal with it. (IIRC their system will even automatically flag bulk edits for review.) If you would like to disavow your content, you can ask to have your name removed, but once the content is out there and considered sufficiently valuable, it will not be deleted.

I don't agree with how StackOverflow's current management has been running the site, but for anyone who has used the site, the outcome of this behavior should have been obvious. I'm sure Wikipedia would react the same if you deface all the pages you contributed to prevent OpenAI from consuming words you wrote.

Wouldn't a compliant solution be just a glorified search engine?

Wait, are you saying that some cities don't even require to undisclose these fees? How is that remotely legal?

> ... say the changes will bring higher prices and sticker shock, which could then raise a psychological hurdle in customers' dining habits.

This person is essentially admitting that people may not eat out if they knew they are being overcharged.

If a business relies on false advertising, maybe it shouldn't exist.

I'm curious about where one draws the line.

A "tip" has gone from some extra cash for an unexpectedly great job, to essentially expected.

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