For that specific situation, this wouldn't help too much, seeing as the up-loaders are already removing source info, so it's reasonable to assume they will fudge the image somehow to change the hash value.
Well if you have the Reddit Extension Suite, the filter module allows keyword, domain and subreddit filtering(for /r/all). Blocking imgur should take out most pictures and effectively all the rage comics.
No way to filter just rage comics unfortunately without cooperation of their creators(title tags on them so you can filter).
If I remember correctly, there was at least one homemade cryptographic system they used in the past, but the US got a hold of it(and probably found a hole in it).
Actually I've decided to give LastPass a shot DUE to how well they've handled this, and knowing that they will probably have a sufficiently paranoid response to situations in the future, as well as knowing they have an excellent hash algorithm in place.
Unfortunately you are right for the overwhelming majority of users who will see "LastPass Hacked!" then note "Don't use LastPass".
I'm pretty sure most companies reduce benefits for less skilled workers, just not as clear cut as this.
I wonder what's with the confidentiality at book search. The first two things that pop to mind is keeping the yellow badges secret and preventing their enemies from messing around(publishers are pretty mad at the whole book scanning thing).
Still fallacious. To continue your analogy, this is like saying that all McDonald's stores have unpleasant food because of that one store. Yes, something should be done if it wasn't a one time thing, but no that does not mean the other stores necessarily have the issue(although they could).
Have it require approval for each bug report. While it isn't as fast as a fully automatic bug finding system, it is faster than a manual find and file. Plus it takes care of those situations where it was intended(poor coding, but it works).