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1. Mesos is very mature software, we take reliability, quality, and backwards compatible upgrades very seriously as there are companies currently relying on these properties.

2. At a high level, Mesos aims to provide abstraction for building distributed applications. This means "frameworks" are either built on top, like Aurora, Marathon, Chronos, etc. Or frameworks are existing distributed applications that are made to run on top, like Spark, Hadoop, Jenkins, distcc, etc. The goal being to run these distributed applications together in the same cluster in order to simplify operational complexity and gain efficiency. In this sense, Mesos is trying to build and grow the common lower level abstraction, akin to a "kernel" for the datacenter.

3. Flynn is aiming to solve a much broader set of problems, by providing a PaaS, (Mesos is more like an IaaS, PaaS should be built / run on top). Flynn is aiming to provide something that is immediately useful on its own, that means things in the layer 1 listed on the website are included. Flynn is aiming to provide some of these "schedulers" out of the box. That is my understanding from reading their website.

4. I'm not sure the authors of Flynn fully comprehend the subtlety that exists between Omega and Mesos. Unfortunately, there are some primitives in Mesos that have been discussed for quite some time and have yet to be implemented that aim to alleviate the issues brought up the Omega paper. I think the Omega model makes sense at Google, where they have complete control over the schedulers. However, in the open source world, I think the Mesos model is more appropriate (this claim really warrants it's own post). With additional primitives, like "optimistic offers", "revocable offers", and "over-subscription", many of the issues discussed in the Omega paper should be remediated.

Dislaimer: I am a Mesos PMC member. :)

This should really be choosing between two albums generated from the same (artist name, title, cover art), rather than completely different configurations.

I'm finding it difficult to judge fairly when the art, title and album name are different.

That was how we originally built it, but we found it less fun to rate in testing compared to this version. Hopefully the increased votes-per-person outweigh the loss of fidelity.

I think you guys should've just shown one picture at a time and allowed people to upvote or downvote it.

Those sort of contests usually aren't as statistically significant.

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