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Is this the technique they are using in Python's new JIT?

Yes. This is the algorithm chosen for the CPython JIT under development, scheduled for inclusion from 3.13 onwards. See https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HxSHIpEQRjs

There are performance options[0] that enable PGO, LTO and bolt, and are known to speed things up, maybe more significantly than -march and -mtune.

But I found one report[1] that says these compiler flags do (or did, some time ago) make a difference.

[0] https://docs.python.org/3/using/configure.html#performance-o...

[1] https://atleastfornow.net/posts/py3-enable-optimisations/

Can you read the refutation at all? If so, would you mind pasting it here so us without a Twitter account can also read it?

“OpenTofu Project was recently made aware of a letter by HashiCorp’s lawyers, alleging that OpenTofu was not respecting the terms of its BSL license governing its Terraform codebase.

OpenTofu vehemently disagrees with any suggestion that it misappropriated, mis-sourced, or otherwise misused HashiCorp’s BSL code.

Indeed, it seems that HashiCorp may be conflating code that it had previously been open-sourced under the MPL and more recently developed code it published under the BSL.

OpenTofu’s maintainers have investigated this matter, and intends to issue a written response providing a more detailed explanation of its position in the coming days.”

There's an interesting bit about being unable to recover the timelocked secret if the parties that keep the network going disband before the release date:

    *if the League of Entropy shuts down, members will delete their keys*

    The world is unpredictable (just like drand randomness... heh), and it's possible that the League of Entropy will all hang up their coats at some point in the future. Should that happen, members would have two choices with their private keys: release them to the world or delete them entirely. The former would mean that ciphertexts created for some time after the cessation of the network would be decryptable to everybody. The latter would mean that ciphertexts created for some time after the cessation of the network would be unencryptable forever (/until quantum computers can break them). In the interests of privacy, we felt the latter option was preferable. That said, if you encrypt the private key to your [insert cryptocurrency name] fortune to stop yourself from spending it now and the network stops... you're going to have a bad time.

I have fond memories of following the messy developments on Groklaw.

That blog instilled me with hope that we'd see more and more amazing works from all sorts of experts on the web, distilling speciallized topics that would otherwise be pretty incomprehensible (or worse: shallowly editorialized) into thrilling but educational content.

Alas, I've never found another site that so consistently and deeply explained its subject matter from an expert perpective in language non-experts could follow. If you have examples of such content, I'd be very interested in pointers to them.

The nets are much more successful in capturing all sorts of birds at once, with little effort, even in environments where you wouldn't get clear line of sight for photos and/or for species that don't sit still for long enough.

Handling the birds makes for far better identification (and more detailed pictures too), which is important for places where unknown, hard to identify or hard to detect species are likely to exist. It also allows taking measurements, banding the birds and even collecting tissue samples. So nets are a far better ROI for some scientific projects.

Thanks, I was wondering how they got a bird to sit still on a hand for a photo. Not exactly common behavior for flappies.

thanks, makes sense then

There's a lot of effort going on to improve CPython performance, with optimization tiers, etc. It seems the JIT is how at least part of that effort will materialize: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/113710

> We're getting a JIT. Now it's time to optimize the traces to pass them to the JIT.

PyPy is a Python implementation, not the same the PyPI (Python Package Index).

my bad .. handicapped by the way I auditize .. point remains the same tho. Need to clean up PyPI or stop the mortals from using PyTHON. In the meantime, maybe put your venv's into a single non-emulated vm.

Your comment was dead, as are all your comments and submissions. Probably another case of a spam filter gone bad. As dang says[1], email hn@ycombinator.com and they'll solve it.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36577441

Nice to see it added, quite a lot of people found out they had fat finger flagged some content when I told HN about these (then) hidden pages: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30253799

Edit: as stated in that post, you can also see your vouched items by accessing https://news.ycombinator.com/vouched

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