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Signed up for the trial, I get an empty screen that says "Environments". Can't seem to do anything!

That was really cool.

It gave me a riddle for the first digit, but I repeated the riddle back to her which she took as the correct answer.

Then a 20 questions quiz for the second digit which was cool, then a series of clues for the last digit, the last of which was "the last digit is the sum of X and y".

Really fun conversational flow.

Oh yeah love the creativity of these LLMs. The prompt didn't include any of that.

Looks great, but I just tried on my mobile and after selecting equipment, there's no way to get to the next step

There was a small bug with the button on some browsers - should be fixed now :)

It seems you have to click on the next step in the stepper above. But I agree that a “next” button would make more sense

Seems to me you should setup SSO and do whatever compliance you need to do, and get those customers on board.

Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had a very close relationship with him that must make it really hard.

I lost my dad 7 years ago last month, and it's been the hardest thing in my life. If it's any consolation for you, you will never stop missing him. This Reddit post really helped me during the really hard times https://www.reddit.com/r/GriefSupport/comments/d9685e/grief_...

Not sure why this is getting downvoted, because it is 100% correct - the statement is a risk disclosure, not a threat

Yes it is, it depends on the efficacy of the vaccine and the transmissibility of the virus.

The flu is seasonal, so the northern hemisphere looks at what flu is in the Southern Hemisphere during their flu season and vice versa.

I much prefer relevant ads to irrelevant ads

You don't have to spy on people to give them relevant ads; you can just match the content on the page rather than their entire history. For instance: If they're on a page for computer hardware, show them computer hardware ads instead of mining the last few years of their search history to decide to show them an ad for soap on that hardware page.

I much prefer for it to be a choice by me rather than my vendor.

It’s way more than 900k locked down - Victoria, NSW and South Australia are locked down. That’s a sizeable chunk of the population.

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