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I don't know anything about Texas non-compete law, but "right to work state" refers to restrictions on unionizing. It has nothing to do with non-compete clauses.

The "right to work" is about restrictions on making unions mandatory, so you are correct but glossing over an important details. In practice it generally means that forming an effective union is much harder and thus harms workers, but theoretically it could be paired with other laws that supported unions but that didn't centralizing their power and removing worker choice.

Agree. The total US non-defense research budget has hovered below 2% of federal spending for the last four decades. The military budget has been around 15%. We need more research, not less.

The issue isn't just whether you actually are a US Person; it's whether banks, etc., believe that you're not. Risk-averse institutions may just avoid doing business with anyone who seems like they might be, and can use whatever proxies they like to decide who they don't want to transact with.

This varies massively by school or district. I teach history to undergrads, and some of them come in having had entire high school classes on the history of civil rights--these students are usually either from majority-black districts, or from elite private schools. Others had history classes that don't even acknowledge that slavery was the cause of the Civil War.

Age discrimination is illegal by statute - the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. If you haven't seen that, it might give you pause about whether you have enough information about this subject to form an informed opinion.

There are good points here, but the equal protection clause has nothing to do with this issue. There are standards in contract law that apply (and are state-specific). Those could be statutorily changed.

I’ve rented in CA as well as other states. CA rental protections were great for getting my landlord to back down from withholding my security deposit for illegal reasons.

That "because" is glossing over a massive leap in logic. "Not applying objective professional standards" is not just a government problem, as pretty much anyone with experience in a large-scale private organization can attest.

My anecdata is that being labeled autistic is actually way better than being labeled weird/awkward/whatever.

Not directly, no. A range of meds are prescribed for specific manifestations of autism, such as aggression or self-injury, though none are broadly effective.

If there’s an industry making money here, it’s ABA therapy, not pharma.

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