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Same question here. When I saw its name, my first thought was "a transformer that plays pong? Interesting"

European quotation marks commonly have the left one down low and the right one up high. The same applies for single quotes. But using comma-backtick is deeply unorthodox.

Germany != Europe.

The French use « », Italians use ‘regular’ “quotes”, etc.

Strangely enough, this is the first time I see your style of quote, in two decades on the Internet.

Yeah I’m surprised at how rare this is to see. I guess that means all Germans don’t follow this convention?

I believe it should be double, „like this“, not single quotes.

Other countries use it too. I'm pretty sure that Spain does.

Nope, Spain uses « » (though mostly only in formal writing these days) or English-style quotes.

> European quotation marks commonly have the left one down low and the right one up high

Wouldn't say it's "common", because IIRC that's only the case in Germany and Austria.

however in German you would use two tick quotation marks like „this".

Also in Polish, actually.

Interestingly, the author does not follow this convention on his personal site (first link in profile) … instead option for the ‘single quote’ form instead.

man who made a career making bombastic claims makes another bombastic claim... more news at 11.

sooner or later he will get one right!

Every minute. I like betteruptime.com.

Is Angular still seeing any serious usage in 2023? I thought that React was pretty well the lingua franca by now.

According to Stack Overflow developer survey[0], Angular is used by ~20% professional respondants (for comparison, React is ~43%).

Personally if I'm building a full SPA I prefer Angular over React as I find the opinionated way takes a lot of the thinking and troubleshooting away. I've worked with large React codebases and without the opinionation they quickly devolve into spaghetti code with a multitude of libraries trying to solve the same problems just in slightly different ways.

I've tried NextJS but with each release they seem to add more complexity and the niceities that attracted me there in the first place get overshadowed by bugs and continously having to refactor because "there's a new, better way of doing things".

I'm hopeful that with the recent releases of Angular (performance; standalone components; signals being some of the main ones) will help increase popularity again but it may be that Reacts popularity keeps it on a positive spiral upward.

- [0] https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-aria/

Interesting, thanks. Agreed both on your second and third paragraphs (React/NextJS yield endless spaghetti.)

Yes, Firebase is junk. It has never been clear to me why anyone uses it.

Becuase you need to use it for push notifications on Android nowadays

I don't get it. According to the blogpost, 450,000 organizations use Airplane, and over 50% of Fortune 500s are paying customers? Okay, that suggests a viable business. And then they're shutting down?

Normally you'd expect to see some layoffs and a paring down to profitability: it is SAAS, after all, so you'd expect high gross margins that could be operated by a skeleton crew if necessary.

I'm wondering what happened here -- was Airplane gross-margins negative? Was there some fundamental issue that was unsurmountable? In my mind, it's just kind of strange for a popular and widely used, evidently saleable product to wind up burning through all their runway and then ending in what looks like an acquihire. Odd.

> Over 450,000 organizations use Airtable and over 50% of the Fortune 500 are paying customers

That’s Airtable (the acquirer) not Airplane. I’d be astonished if Airplane had anywhere near that much traction.

Airplanes don’t need traction, they need lift.

They also need a runway, which they don't.

maybe all they need is a layover?

The real trouble was that most of the flight crew ordered the fish.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Oops :facepalm:. If only I could read...

This is just amazing. What a view of the future.

When doing personal projects I have to constantly be reeling myself back in from doing x thing "The Right Way", because I end up doing a bunch of useless crap and not actually making progress on the personal project.

Easy to fall into that trap when 1) it's just you and 2) there is little accountability because it's just you!

My tactic for pushing back against this is to try to trick myself into doing the simplest thing that might still work. It's a challenge to write "bad" code on purpose. The opposite of chasing perfect/clean.

I have found that this frees up a lot of weird expectations that you place yourself under. You can get much more creative when everything is a dumb-ass-simple public static member vs when you are spending 2 hours a day fighting a cursed IoC/DI abstraction simply because you are worried that clean code Jesus might be watching you.

It helps to have an end goal too. It's really easy for me to push through a messy prototype when I can see it bringing me closer to a strategic objective.

Bingo. First get it working, then get it right, then get it fast. It's for this reason that almost all of my projects start with a SQLite database - it's a program I'm very familiar with, like an old reliable chef's knife.

Yeah same. Huge annoyance. I just want to stick to the same-old universally-compatible file formats I've always enjoyed everywhere.

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