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Ack! Acronym collision! EBS is Elastic Beanstalk, or Elastic Block Store?

If the former, it's in my opinion a question of what you're looking for. Here's my best response: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/05/introducing-awsbox-the-diy...

For what it's worth, there is a complementary (early stage) project a colleague of mine is working on where the idea is to let you leverage cloud formation from the command line and get closer to what you're talking about (deployment of a more complex infrastructure rather than just a single instance):


This looks nice. I'm currently in the process of creating a deployment script to cluster out wowza media server with a edge/origin setup ,auto scaling and loadbalancer setup. Really wish beanstalk was less error prone and worked 100% of the time.BTW does anyone know if beanstalk supports paid Ami's ?

That was specifically for the example server - if each request uses 5ms of processor time, (1000 ms / s) / (5 ms / req) == (200 req / s)


A joke, I believe: melt vs. blend

I agree. /me fixes

Our problem is the the number of simultaneous connections we can support isn't static, it varies depending on the type of traffic bursts (i.e. New vs. Returning users).

But agree that a higher level proxy is useful - because this way your overloaded application doesn't even need to deal with traffic (we hope to use toobusy to have applications instruct the routing layer to temporarily block / reroute traffic in times of load).

The reason that I asked that is I feel that most applications end up needing something at that layer eventually anyways, but not knowing exactly what level of traffic results in too much load is a good reason to do this.

It seems to me that letting the computer calculate when it's in trouble is preferable to have a human guessing.

"Two-character ASCII strings are not permitted, to avoid conflicting with current and future country codes based on the ISO 3166-1 standard."

See https://github.com/ozten/TLD.js/issues/8

Ah, I see. I wish they made this clear in the landing page.

the include file is about 4.7k minified and compressed. You don't need to include it in head, that's lame. we'll update the docs.


Hi MatthewPhillips,

That's just the license header that's not stripped. I agree, that's a bit draconian. lemme see if I can fix that for you.


Actually I went to the Documentation and clicked the link there, which actually takes you to the github source. Completely my bad, having a license header is not abnormal. I jumped the gun because the Open Web Apps shim wasn't minified for quite a while.

As for streaming JSON parsers: https://github.com/lloyd/yajl

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