To clarify, most Capitol tourists are still in pre-trial detention and facing illegal punishments like being denied necessary medical care. The media doesn't like those people, so naturally they haven't been covering the human rights abuses at all, which is why you may not have heard about it.
However, you may be thinking of the people that participated in the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 who did spend a week in jail before they were bailed out by aligned political parties and subsequently had their charges dropped by politically aligned DAs.
Have you demanded Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd be charged for killing an unarmed woman? Have you demanded equality for the tourists, because previously AOC joined the Sunrise Movement at Pelosi's office:
In a response to the protests, Pelosi said in a statement that she was "inspired by the energy and activism of the many young activists and advocates leading the way on the climate crisis."
"I have recommended to my House Democratic colleagues that we reinstate the select committee to address the climate crisis," she said in the statement. "We welcome the presence of these activists, and we strongly urge the Capitol Police to allow them to continue to organize and participate in our democracy."
Maintainable code is a fools errand people just need the lingo for the interview, people don't stay at the same job long enough to really worry about it long term. People ship the one to throw away then the next devs rewrite everything their foredevs wrote. Languages, databases and standards are moving targets and today's best practice is tomorrow's antipattern.
If you want to ensure that you hire devs who have longevity in your product only hire devs who have worked in the same place long enough to pay for their coding choices and ask them for specific times they had technical debt and what steps they took to remedy the problem. You will find out more by letting them talk.
Examples: Tell me about a time, describe a situation where, what steps have you taken, the more they talk the better chance you have to assess them.
From an interviewee side: be prepared to describe situation where you maintained and application what safeguards you put in place, keep everything pleasant and remember to smile as people can hear it in your voice even if there is no video feed. Feign passion if you must. The whole process is a sales pitch and you are selling yourself, toot your own horn and make mountains of every little molehill of a project you have been part of. Talk about your commitment to testing and know the test pyramid, flip the interview around and ask them questions, it throws them off their guard and they will be impressed. The one who betrays the most information loses.
Vrbo, HomeAway, Stayz, or others may fill the gap, and some house loaners might attempt to use KYC to identify customers prior to doing business.
KYC is an unescapable federal requirement, for the home owners who rent out their homes and a non-US based company has no obligation to follow US guidelines around discrimination unless a treaty forces their hand.
I wouldn't rent my home out to anyone no matter the skin color, religion, or genders, and frankly it is a bit gross for hotels, hostels and BNBs to exist. If you can't avoid travel camping keeps you at arms length from mingling with other humans filth. Weather might prohibit your options, but I'm a firm believer that "Hell is other people."
Start a business and ask them to invest. Call them if they refuse. Either you become rich like them or they stop answering your calls. I would never loan a friend money, or go into business with them. As far as money goes why do you think you would be happy with more when you aren't with what you have now.
Relatively speaking anyone in the modern western world has it pretty nice in comparison.
Enjoy life, learn to cook and laugh at people going to restaurants. If cooking and eating aren't your things, find what is and enjoy it, money is becoming less and less important to living a rich and enjoyable life.
We should probably do the same with our museums, art exhibits, libraries, and remove all books because those are the words of the oppressor. Arabian numerals should be rejected as the Arab Slave Trade was a large part of slavery. Math in general should be reconsidered because it divides us.
You mean people haven't been holding the leaning tower of Pisa all this time. I am shocked!
I've seen some strange things from stitching photos for panoramic, it isn't a huge leap of logic to think some compression or interpolation algorithm went wrong.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey