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I see a communication glitch happened. There was a mention of creating a new organization and an offer to join, but the issue was closed simultaneously - meaning perhaps you never saw it. This seems like a surprise to you.

@philippeowagner: I think it'd be appropriate to see you both share and organization if you both intend to participate. If I was lilspikey, I'd feel my project was hijacked.

I assume good faith in you Philippe, but I don't think lilspikey knew your intentions since the issue was closed.

Hey - outdated and unmaintained seems a little harsh!

Not quite sure why you couldn't have submitted a pull-request for this...

Yep, that'd probably be it. You could listen out for SMS (on particular port), TCP and UDP connections if I remember correctly.

Or you have your axis the wrong way round...

That's what I noticed. If you label the horizontal axis for the amount learned (more or less equivalent to his "Performance" that he has on the vertical axis) and the vertical axis for effort required, it would fit standard usage just fine.

On the walk home.

Find it hard to listen to a podcast (that's at all interesting) while I try to concentrate on anything else.

I used Python + OpenCV during my MSc for face-detection: http://littlespikeyland.com/msc/project/ back in 2003/2004, so I ended up doing a lot of SWIG wrapping. A lot of the heavy lifting was done in C/C++, as I was running lots of simulations for a evolutionary algorithm.

I've used ctypes for a few projects now and wish I could have used it for that project. Might have meant I could have ditched a lot of the C/C++.

Ah, so that sounds more like a problem with IDLE than with Python itself.

You shouldn't have any issues running Python interpretors normally.

That's strange. I can quite happily run multiple Python interpreters on my ageing (single core) 12"PB. Perhaps it was more of a memory usage issue?

The old system was a 256MB ram with a Celeron M processor.

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