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> It did not reduce student drug use. In face, it backfired and taught kids about interesting drugs that they probably wouldn't have found learned about otherwise.

I will never forget the day in fifth grade when a DARE representative came to our class with a briefcase full of samples of esoteric (to me at least) drugs. The way they were presented made them extremely appealing to me, similar to perusing the choices at a high-end candy store. I don't know for sure if this had any effect on me but I strongly suspect that it did.

My 6-year old was invited into the cockpit for the first time on January 1, 2024. I was wondering the same as you up until that moment.

JetBlue US Domestic

I propose that this fellow does not have any children or other dependents.

My thought exactly, the author basically has to avoid any long-term project like raising a child. That's fine when you're in your twenties I guess.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help.

The intellectual pursuit of empathy often results in individuals who know what empathy should look like and are good at faking it.

Real empathy requires you to recognize and process your emotions differently. This can be learned over time but usually not by directly attacking the problem.

This is just based on my own experiences.

But I can imagine this is frustrating for you and it seems like you’re already doing the hard work of recognizing there’s an issue. Good luck to you.

This is phenomenal. Great work!

I have a bigger problem with how IP law is written and enforced than the actual notion of IP law. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me that IP should enjoy some protections, however, the current enforcements are in many cases downright abusive to consumers and smaller creators alike.

What about the use of taxpayer funds to enforce ownership of ideas? That seems like putting wrong incentives in place. If the state effectively enforces ownership of ideas, then the cost of enforcement is paid by almost nobody who benefits from that enforcement. It's going to distort markets big time.

Sample applications are rarely difficult to make. I built a bot as an experiment for my team (https://m.me/PigeonCorps) and we've run into a lot of issues that fall outside of intent classification and response. The most complex issues related to non-trivial chatbots (or atypical chatbots) in my experience have been:

  - session management
  - horizontal scaling
  - dealing with platform changes
  - dealing with platform downtime/bugs
  - hierarchical data presentation
  - matching intents within hierarchical/nested flows
I agree, however, that most chatbots we see are not incredibly complicated, however, I think the typical points that are emphasized in these types of articles (intent classification) are not the hard parts.

Agree. But most of the functional chatbots we see on websites are using intent classification only.

In my view, this is mainly because we haven't yet reached the stage where we can create intelligent chatbots. So we make do with rule-based. Sort of Chat based IVR services.

We might be able to do better in the future that's the plan.

Tried to add my first chord Bmaj7(no3) and it doesn't seem like the app recognizes it (can't play the chord or change the key of the song).

Thanks for trying it! There's no support for Maj7(no3) chords at the moment. It's a less common pattern, but would be easy to add support! At the moment, I'm using tonal for chord recognition under the hood, so these are the chord types that it can recognize: https://github.com/danigb/tonal/blob/master/packages/diction...

Thanks for the quick reply and helpful explanation.

Occam's Razor tells me it's because they are being painted as capable of subverting seemingly larger-than-life systems and institutions. I imagine it's an ego boost to a lot of these tech CEOs.

And it's arrogant to boot. Seriously believing machine learning is going to make everyone worthless/unemployed and end government is even crazy for Malthusian standards. This is the same age old debate over technology has been going on for centuries. There's nearly infinite things to work on out there, even if the latest steam engine makes a particular thing more efficient or require less workers. Those workers re-train and move on to other things. The key to minimizing the issues is to provide the education, tools, health care, etc. to help displaced workers with that.

I think his argument has always been more along the lines of machine learning will give the people in charge the knowledge of what it is that the citizen wants to hear and what they will believe, which means that the owner of the data then has power not by way of voting or military might, but by way of manipulation of the masses - which is a sentiment that I find much easier to believe.

How can you be so sure that the result won’t be mass structural unemployment?

I agree with you about investment in education, healthcare, etc., but those things won’t pay the rent and buy groceries I’d there aren’t enough jobs.

One day they will proudly say looking on at the ruins of our society “look at our accomplishments!”

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Display Zoom is a different setting than Text Size.

One of the complications is the different way of making text big. For example most of the examples in this discussion is about changing it in Settings -> Display -> Text Size, which I have found largely useless.

As someone with reading glasses the useful thing is to make text big in the web browser which you can do sometimes in Safari by clicking reader view stipes top left and then the aA thing top right. Took me ages to figure that.

And also not an option on all devices.

To be fair, it's an option for all currently sold iPhones.

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