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steve gibson of grc apparently uses sound as a second input channel to handle various tasks. as i recall he made an app decades ago called wizmo that allows you to script sounds, and as listeners probably recall, yabba-dabba-doo is one such audio channel input to let him know someone has made a purchase order on his website.

This is exactly why i like this game. Upon first playing it, the attacks were obvious to beat anyone who was playing legitimately. Assuming both teams know this fact, means the choice is, play the game to win and it is boring or play the game to have fun and challenge yourself and partner. During every occasion, the latter has prevailed.

This could actually make a good interview problem for the ability to focus on the stated goal and to play well with others. Use Codenames or create a game with many exploits that will jump out to smart people. Be explicit the point of the exercise is for everyone to have fun and play in the spirit of the game. Do they do that, or does their desire to be right and “figure it out” trample the real goal?

Good test for an IC that wants to jump to a manager, cross-team or especially sales role. Believe me, you don’t close deals by dunking on your prospects.

Was the article written by an llm difference engine? In that it failed at discussing the differences of the two and really just regurgitated the etymologies and ancient definitions of the two terms with no insight about modern usages. My quick difference as a matter of opinion only is that engine is related to carnot some heat cycle creates enables work that can be turned into locomotion. Motor is a superset, and is some system, process or machine that turns potential energy into kinetic energy. That is my opinion, of which i am open to, in fact very interested in reading others. Unfortunately this was not that article, instead you get a brief history lessons on words, with the thesis that some word's meanings change over time (allow me to pick my jaw off the floor) and don't worry about delineating the two terms because they pretty much mean the same thing. Not what i was expecting from mit engineering.

It's from 2013 so I guess this essay-ish style of writing is one of the sources present day LLMs have been trained on.

but how could you falsify all those records so quickly and convincingly, oh nm

it seems the primary benefit for sand over water, is a 1:10 operating temp vs. 5:1 specific heat. So it depends on whether the added complexity of working with a hotter, solid is worth not having to build a facility that is 2x bigger. Are there other benefits I'm missing, or is this concrete block gravity storage vs pumped water storage, all over again?

Comparing water's 4.18 kJ/kg-K * ~75 K (25 °C -> 100 °C) to the sand's 1.1 kJ/kg-K * 900 K?

I think you can (or it's easier) get more useful work out of a lesser amount of hotter stuff, even if the thermal energy or total heat is the same. Unsure of that, I don't know what the specific principle is. I'd vaguely gesture at the 2nd law of thermo as if I poured a cup of boiling water into a pot of room-temperature water, the total heat leaving the pot would wind up being the same as the heat leaving the cup, but less useful?

Sand doesn't leak down or up (via evaporation) nearly as much.

It's also far less of a precious resource and non-corrosive, compared to the most common version of water.

If the goal is conversion back to electrical energy, the high temperature is a huge advantage.

additionally trees have fewer, often computably optimal parameters, whereas DNN often require extensive hyperparameter tuning and even neural architecture search(how many rows, what activations, what optimization method...). Furthermore, trees are generally more interpretable. There have been some recent interesting papers relating random forest trees to adaptive smoothers, that tries to understand why they beat dnns on tabular data.

create bindings and externalize function libraries for other languages, hope to your prefered deity nothing breaks

This adds additional problems. IE, Start replacing legacy C++ with Python, now debugging and following the flow of the code becomes very difficult.

If it is C++ I wouldn't think about python in most cases. Rust should come to mind. Ada, or D are other options you sometimes hear about.

Is it possible to integrate any of those while allowing seamless debugging? IE, step right from one into another? I've yet to see that happen.

If nothing else my C++ debugger will see the functions of everything in Rust, D, or ada - it might be a mangled name but generally I can figure them out. Once you step into python the debugger is going to see the python runtime functions and you need to dig into them to figure out what of your functions you are running.

I have yet to figure out how to get any language other than C++ into my system so I can't say how well it works in the real world. Then again I work on an embedded system with real time controls so I can rarely use a debugger since as soon as I hit a breakpoints all my must happen at time X functions fail to run and the whole system fails in a few ms.

no semilog/log plots, heatmaps, contour maps, violin charts, eye diagrams. No love for the engineers i guess

periodic table of finite simple groups is pretty awesome https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/99brzy/the_periodic_t...

they're groups so symmetries are kinda what they do. There are families etc. in columns, with the final column being the generator. Then the sporadic groups are the rare earth elements which don't define a family of groups. order is increasing on the way down, and the very obvious cyclic groups are the noble gases equivalent.

transforming the recurrence to a matrix then applying the matrix as a transformation of itself can be expressed as multiplication. but AAAAAA doesnt really save you much to get the 6th fibonnaci number. the power is in powers of the matrix. Now you can say AA = A^2 , and A^2A^2 = A^4 still not computationally helpful, but A^4A^4 = A^8 A^8*A^8 = A^16 ...32 ...64 and then you've got something useful.

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