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Windows Server (Standard and Datacenter editions) licenses include permissions to run unlimited windows containers on top of them. So you would only need to pay for the licenses of your hosts.


AFAIK there's a significant caveat to that, which is that you only get unlimited windows containers, if you're using process isolation.

If you're using VM isolation, you need licenses for the containerized applications.

I wouldn't call that a caveat so much as SOP for Microsoft licensing. A Windows license does not entitle you to run unlimited Windows VMs on top unless you pay for the more expensive edition.

The "hack" of buying a small number of super beefy servers to save on licensing costs was plugged looooong ago.

A passphrase can easily exceed 20 characters and be memorable. They are usually considered a good security practice for people not familiar with (or not willing to use) password managers.

Vulkan runs on Windows.

And Linux.

And macOS. And iOS.

Exclusively with the use of MoltenVK, which uses Metal under the hood...

Not exclusively -- gfx-portability (https://github.com/gfx-rs/portability) is another option.

Wasn't aware of that, thank you!

And anybody who is not a masochist and cares about compatibility across all those platforms will use Unity or Unreal or one of the lesser-known others.

DirectX 12 is the easiest of these APIs to use, and it's not exactly fun.

Only on classical Win32 mode.

I have not played the game, so this is only from what I've read [0], but it is my understanding that they designed a progression system that strongly pushes people to pay. Also, while not strictly "loot boxes", you are still able to indirectly pay for random items because the drops are linked to level progression, which can be sped up with micro-transactions.

[0] https://kotaku.com/the-free-gear-in-black-ops-4-is-an-unforg...

Aren't many consoles sold at or near (or even below) cost, on the assumption that software sales will make up for it? Also, how would a console sold by Sony or Microsoft subsidize in any way a game sold by a third party publisher?

I don't think so.

Evidence #1: The ever-present existence of potato masher PC configurations (cheaper and more powerful than a console in qty 1) makes me doubt that consoles are loss leaders. The crypto bubble played with that math but it seems to generally hold.

Evidence #2: Sony keeps bragging about how many consoles their investments in first-party game studios have been able to move. Importantly: that's how they phrase it.

Evidence #3: This particular narrative has held true for several people in my bubble, including myself. People will buy a console to play Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, or God of War. The center-of-mass for single-player narrative-driven AAAs seems to be moving away from the PC, and the ones that stay on the PC seem to be bogged down with "alternative" monetization models.

Presumably Sony/MS pay the publishers to make the game exclusive to their console.



It's a pretty simple library, does it need commits every month to prove that you should still use it?

code rot is a thing

It is, but it’s not a universal rule. In the 2+ years I actively used Dataloader (not using GraphQL-JS right now), I had one feature request which got implemented, but other than that it was perfectly stable and fit for use.

I'm guessing they invalidated all access tokens for accounts that have been used as "View As" targets since the issue was introduced.

They also disabled "View As" which is the actual fix for the time being.

Looks like the code for IsPassword [1] checks for the presence of a number + a special character. If the text contains a space, or is longer than 16 characters, it is not considered a password.

[1] https://github.com/oormicreations/ClipboardPlus/blob/master/...

Did you see the hidden message? I'm not sure what it means. (Treasure at the root of esabyeK)

https://keybase.io/esabyeK which is keybase backwards

I saw that too! (nothing in /keybase/publick/esabkey I could see). Let me know what you find!

Buying a 144Hz display was both a great and horrible decision for me. Great because games at 144Hz feel extremely smooth. Horrible because now I can't enjoy 60Hz.

60-144 was insane the first time. Then I went to 200 hz ultra wide, back down to 144, then to 240. 144 feels like 75 now, and 60 feels like 50.

Its painful to go back.

144-240? This sounds like a Placebo effect. While I'm sure people out there can distinguish between 60 and 120[0], it seems you must be incredibly attuned to visual sensory input (an outlier). It seems you aren't alone, either[1], part of me wants to think this is one big marketing gimmick, but surely people wouldn't buy 240Hz monitors if they couldn't tell a difference? Or is it just a pissing contest for self satisfaction? If I had a few million in the bank, maybe I would also buy a 240Hz monitor -- because why not?

[0] https://www.pcgamer.com/how-many-frames-per-second-can-the-h...

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/5mhqh...

Look at this [0]

It's an interpolation thing; it's much easier for your brain to do the tracking of an object when it smoothly moves around, instead of it having to do interp / extrapolation, and this should demonstrate why

Can I ask why you think it sounds like a placebo? I don't really see why there's any logic behind 144hz being the ceiling of how well your eyes can see, and 144hz -> 240hz is a big jump

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUvx81C4bgs

You can tell a difference between 144-240. A lot of small differences, but there is a difference. I just wish there were a nice high-tickrate game to play other than CS.

144-200 was not very noticeable. 144-240 was absolutely noticeable. A couple of games that dual 980 ti's cant reach 240 in currently, hopefully Volta changes that. The monitor was also on sale, so I got it for a crisp $300 with no tax.

The 120Hz display on my iPad Pro gives me the same feeling, and I don't use it for anything important.

Using my iPhone immediately after makes the phone display feel cheap for a bit.

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