It might be fast enough though. You haven't specified your corpus size. If your corpus is small enough, ripgrep might be instant enough. Another alternative is to look at fzf paired with ripgrep, but I imagine for large enough corpus sizes, it won't be instant.
Otherwise, if you're searching something large and really absolutely need "real time as I type" as a hard requirement, then you'll not really be looking for a grep per se, but for a tool that builds an inverted index and uses that for searches. So things like Russ Cox's 'codesearch', 'qgrep', 'livegrep' and Sourcegraph.
I did notice that ripgrep was noticeably faster than grep, however, I'm looking for a solution that searches through the source code as I type. Something like Fsearch but for searching through source code contents.
I think for something like this even grep would be fast enough.
You still haven't specified your corpus size, despite me noting how crucial it was to your question.
You also haven't specified what kinds of queries you're running. If you're doing simple literal queries like 'rg foobar', then ripgrep is pretty much as fast as you're going to get when it comes to non-indexed search. It uses all your CPU cores. On Intel x86_64, it uses AVX2 to do the substring search for 'foobar'. There's just not much you can do to go faster than that in terms of latency.
As I said, if you have a large corpus, then the only way to get instant search times is through an index. You haven't said why those approaches don't work for you.
> I think for something like this even grep would be fast enough.
Sorry I should have mentioned this before, but I'm the author of ripgrep. I know a thing or two about how fast normal exhaustive search greps can go. :-)
I'm querying through ~600k lines of code. Ripgrep is very noticeably faster than grep when I'm searching. I have no complaints at all regarding the speed!
The only issue I'm facing is that I wish for Ripgrep to display me the search results as I type. Similar to how FSearch does it.
So instead of typing a search query and hitting enter in the commandline, I would want to continuously search as I type. I think since Ripgrep is very fast, it would be amazing for this task.
I mean, even if the license was placed on the code, that doesn't mean, if it's not protected by copyright, then it's fair game for copilot to scrape, learn from, and emit variations of, the code.
I believe github's lawyers would have had hundreds of hours of dicussion about this and at this point, they believe they are in the right, and anybody who disagrees should use the legal system to resolve the matter.
In the meantime, what it is and isn't doing wrt licenses seems to be poorly understood externally.
It was posted earlier that the developer's computer was potentially compromised. But now that all of the issues and discussion around it has been deleted, does anyone know to what extent the developer and the software was compromised?
Bootstrap Studio is a pretty cool software that I can recommend. It has some good foundation. The problem is that it is paid and proprietary software. However, if you happen to have the Github student pack, you'll get Bootstrap Studio for free!
I've also seen Grapedrop and Silex which are FOSS but I haven't extensively tried them out yet.
By key people I mean that there should be a small group of select employees, somewhere between 6-10 people and these people should be carefully selected so they would be compatible with each other. There would be a mix of Lead artists, engineers, etc.
The benefit is that because the group is small, they can collaborate more effectively with each other and ultimately, this group would be the main force behind the innovations of the org.
If the sports team idea applies to this small group, I think it would result in everyone bringing out the best of themselves but also other organization members could potentially get motivated by them.
I've seen Valve (the company) do a similar thing with a lot of success. They call it the cabal process[1]. They don't treat it exactly like a "sports team" but there are lots of parallels.
Matrix is the most mature and feature complete. I personally use it day to day through Element. However, if it comes down to talking about something that could get me into massive trouble, I won't trust any single entity. I'd probably use XMPP, or Onionshare in Tails OS, preferably not even on my own PC. The bottom line is that a computer connected to the internet is not totally secure and anonymous, there can be backdoors in every nook and cranny. For example if you are using Element + Matrix on Windows 11/Android, to spy on you, they don't need to have backdoors in Matrix itself. A simple automatic screenshot will do! The OS will take care of that :D
But I don't think the Matrix organization can be pressured into adding backdoors into their systems.
Our best bet is to use free and open source software as much as possible.