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We need a GDPR equivalent in the US. That's the only way this will change.

No thanks. Thats a solution worse than the problem.


> Over 59,000 data breach notifications have been reported across the European Economic Area by public and private organizations since the GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018, according to DLA Piper's GDPR Data Breach survey.

Sounds like they really solved this issue!

I'm way too invested in Chrome Sync to change browsers at this point.

Until you find something else to be up-in-arms about.

The silicon itself gets effectively no wear and the board is actually better because it doesn't get heat-cycled as much.

The fans are in a bit worse shape, but those tend to be easily replaceable if they fail.

That's a nice word-salad you got there.

Talking to VCs will do this to a person. I dont know why they can't just speak normal English, but spewing marketese seems to be a rite of passage.

One of the biggest flaws of democracies is that they strongly incentivize policy makers to follow short-term gains over long-term goals.

Because dictatorships are so famous for their 100 year horizons?

The USSR planned its world in 5-year spans. That's about the same length of time between elections in most democracies. Lots of people like to say things like "one of the biggest flaws of democracies" but I've yet to see such a statement that actually doesn't also apply to other systems of government.

Except china had the one child policy which clearly had long term goals in mind. Singapore also implemented eugenics policies and still has them to some degree.

Realistically population one of the few things you can take a long term view on, since so geo politics and technology are so unpredictable. With population planning much of the effects are only to come a generation later so mostly only a long term concern. It is also completely radioactive as far as modern democracies are concerned.

No Honda or Toyota is going to drive anywhere near as well as the equivalent BMW. Even considering modern BMWs.

Pay to play.

KIA/Hyundai have asked customers what they want for a couple years now and their cars are some of the best in their respective segments.

Personally, the only person I know that uses Apple music instead of Spotify or GPM works at Apple.

I'm guessing that pay scale would cover base salary, but not necessarily equity/bonuses?

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