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You’d think so, but then there is Fiji Water, which is literally brought across the ocean from Fiji.

First Twitter Blue, next Twitter Pink?

Don’t feed the trolls, especially trolls with random string new accounts. Just downvote and move on with your day.

Believe it or not, this was the top comment and I was at -1 for a half hour. I like to think my gentle, humorous, highlighting of the surreality may have motivated fellow posters to notice it was a bit loose with the facts. (I've been working at this for a year or two, it's a tightrope)

This doesn’t seem like an unusual finding considering how good humans are at tool use in general. Picking up objects and using them as if they were part of our own body is pretty standard for us.

I remember that learning how to drive a car was actually quite difficult, but by now, even rental cars seem like an extension of my body that I can control mostly unconsciously. (Operating vehicles while entirely unconscious: not recommended)

Isn't it also like gaming, especially with a controller? How "good" you are with gaming is at least a function of how well your brain is able to remap desired actions into necessary controller input muscle movements.

And most games try to reduce the friction involved here, to help your immersion.

But a few embrace the clunkiness and make it a gameplay mechanic.

> mostly unconsciously

There's even a name for it when you just appear to teleport down the road:


I think what this does is blur the line between extra body parts and tools. And maybe it leans more into the fact that our brains treat tools and body parts similarly.

I just cracked my phone screen, so I’m all thumbs right now.

“Trouble getting an X link to load” … There’s another project that had superb reliability and reputation. Then it got bought, access was restricted to certain parts, and it was renamed to X.

Politicians don’t have electronic security teams. In a political campaign office, a politician will be very lucky to have one volunteer who understands computer security who is then responsible for herding a dozen staff and a couple hundred volunteers who don’t understand why they should care about security.

AI has spent the last few months being useful to lots of people across many industries, even if only moderately so. Web3 has spent the decade being useful to approximately no one.

Hey, what your saying about Web3. I'm easily amused by https://www.web3isgoinggreat.com/

Dim sum wise words, mon.

I'm in the Philippines now, and one thing I've noticed is that when you go out to a fast food joint (Jollibee, Chow King, Mang Inasal, &c.) they don't even have any plastic fork/knife/spoon dispensers, napkin dispensers, or condiment dispensers anywhere at all in the dining area. I'm told it's because people here take them home. Sometimes they steal all the napkins.

If you don't get these things after paying at the counter, you are out of luck. You can try to approach the counter to get them, but most people don't bother because these places are always so crowded.

Until they start rebelling, society is already revolting

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