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Well, make it a part of the fediverse as a de facto chat/messaging platform? Not big on activitypub and alike, but might that push it a bit further?

As a person, who is using Mac for close to three years, I have to admit that discoverability of keyboard shortcuts (or even existence of such - navigating apps' menus, for example) on OS X is close to zero.

OK, three days have passed, so I'm leaving this comment to hang. This advice is similar to "if you want to lose weight, eat less energy than you can spend". It's true, but it's useless.

It looks like the same fatigue kicking in, which many (me including) got from the immense pace at which frontend development world revolves.

Not a nodejs tool, but pandoc is an industry standard for converting between many text file formats.

Speculation. Eventually any text-based markup language, as it gets more complicated, will go full circle to the WYSIWYG or other authoring tools, spawning new plaintext formats with a new promise to be the ones.

Well, there are many issues with Windows 11. Aside from large stuff already discussed over and over again, it's the little things. Alt+Tab current selection is really hard to see. Action center is weird - sometimes it even won't open after clicking, but will pop up at a later time. Clock does not have the seconds counter anymore. Bluetooth devices cannot bee connected via Win+K anymore - it now takes four clicks to reconnect them. Resizing windows to snapping areas (a new feature) is not available on all app windows. Teams app which comes bundled with Windows 11 is only for personal accounts. Video rendering is slow - on my i7/16GB youtube, for example, almost always lowers resolution automatically, thinking that computer cannot render video even in 720p.

Some design decisions are making me roll my eyes.

System altogether seems more prone to become slow over time and requiring reboot.

And don't get me started on enterprise stuff. We're amidst an open support ticket to investigate 2fa and azure interop issues, which are not moving along swiftly enough.

PS This is a report from a single person (n=1), so take it with a grain of salt. But Windows 11 just seems to be following tradition of one good Windows generation, and then one really bad (like win95 ok, win98 not, win2k ok, winme not, winxp ok, vista not, win7 ok, win8 not, win10 ok, win11 not).

Windows 95 was a complete turd. Windows 98 was pretty good.

As coming from windows 3.11, at the age of 16, Windows 95 has a very special place in my heart. So I might be a little nostalgic.

Windows 95/98/Me were all bad.

I used Windows 95 for about 6 months before switching to NT 3.51, which was rock solid. I ended up using Windows 98 for my kids' computers, and it was fine for playing games, etc. I never did anything serious on it.

It actually works the other way around too - moving from Windows to Mac is a pain because of the shortcuts. It was a challenge to overcome in many aspects, but one of the most annoying things is that there is no keyboard shortcuts for navigating application menus. That still bugs me very often.

Edit: spelling.

If you enjoy skeumorphic calculators with their data interfaces, and haven't already, look into the RPN[1] notation used in (most, I believe) scientific/programmable calculators. Once you go there, you stay there. Just Google[2] or DDG[3] for it to play around.

1: Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation

2: Google search: https://www.google.com/search?q=rpn%20calculator%20online

3: DDG: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=rpn+calculator+online

Chalk has an option to use RPN

Awesome. Got lost in the long article, so missed that.

Lots of snow and mild sub-zero temperatures do not mean that land freezes. It's upper crust may freeze, but that is no match for anything weighting a ton or more.

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