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Lucky him, atleast he got to face tech interviews. As for me I never got the chance to prove myself.

I got my call, was inquired about my projects and current offers by HR and then got a rejection letter next week. After I inquired, it turned out that my low GPA [ 7.03/10.0 ] was the cause. They want academically bright freshers with shining GPAs and with strong CS101 skills.

Ken Thompson, Guido Von Rossum, James Gosling : Good going Google.

Don't forget Rob Pike. :-)

maybe they have an internal mailing list where the ultimate language flame wars take place.

or the best discussions on earth for the ultimate language circulate :)

Only one?

Rob Pike, Vint Cerf, Peter Norvig

To make a Lisp interpreter you need to know Lisp. But I liked the idea of writing a shell.

Writing Lisp interpreter is actually good way to learn most of core Lisp concepts.

As told by the blog author in the comments:

" HTML + CSS3 is Turing complete (github.com) – http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2300836 "

Further into the comments, it is acknowledged that HTML + CSS is, in fact, not Turing Complete and that the original premise was incorrect.

I want to also add that HTML lacks a fundamental feature of programming languages: means of abstraction. Fortunately, modern software allows us to not have to program directly in HTML and CSS and can abstract the ugly away, programming in languages that are more maintainable than raw HTML. But we have had that for decades; I do not understand the need to legitimize HTML "programming". It might be a misunderstanding of what is actually producing the HTML data.

Further into the comments, it is acknowledged that HTML + CSS is, in fact, not Turing Complete and that the original premise was incorrect.

There is some discussion over what Turing complete means (including a guy confusing complexity with computability and saying that the notion of Turing completeness is nonsense), but no universal acknowledgement of that sort.

Mine is 2009 model and I have yet to face this issue. Although my Optical drive died this January and it throws out DVDs when inserted but that is the only problem I have faced so far.

EDIT: Was just stating that 2009 MBPs have no such issues IMHO.

Seems like all the reports are on the _2011_ version, with isolated incidents on the 2010 version. 2009 is mentioned nowhere.

My Fall 2009 model overheats and locks up and crashes when playing games like Starcraft 2 or Left 4 Dead 2. That's not to say every notebook from 2009 had cooling problems, but some certainly do.

Why don't you return it? This would be an intolerable problem for me.

I don't expect to see any kind of lockups or grey-screen, ever. It just shouldn't be part of owning any computer, especially a mac.

"Bounce Evolution" is supposedly the best game available on N900. Although N900 itself was never a successful platform but the game had immersive quality, just like Angry Birds.

[ http://www.rovio.com/index.php?page=bounce-evolution ]

Apple did far better then Microsoft atleast.


Just yesterday I was unable to access twitter from my university. It blocked me by saying something like 'API calls exceeded'. A university have generally a single IP address and thousand of users. What will twitter do about this ?

Rate limit is by IP+username.

>Nokia has always "gotten" the phone side

True, but my current phone N900 is weaker in terms of a phone. It is a hacker's delight with a real terminal, apt-get etc but the phone experience I never really enjoyed much. My earlier phone N95 was better than this.

Just 2 hours back I though of writing my project report in LaTex, but then after 1 hour of tinkering I switched back to MS Office because I needed to get work done today.

May be if I'll have some spare time, I will learn it and write my next report in LaTex.

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