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Constant SAI aren't really helping either, on the contrary...

I make heavy use of after:2023 type of filter in google

Similar, on Youtube you can type before:2025 (any future year) and it'll show better results.

Isn’t most SEO content constantly tweaked and updated? Presumably to keep itself “fresh” to the crawler. What does after:2023 get you?

I think they mean "before"

I ended up just resorting in bash with an exec bash inside my mkshrc iirc.

I switched to nushell a couple of months back and I haven't got the opportunity to rock it on android, really curious how it does.

It is supposed to support android as well if I'm not mistaken.

I've tried it. nushell works for me only with the "-c" option, otherwise I get "Error: I/O error: Function not implemented (os error 38)". Probably the prompt function

This is wrong in many ways. First off you don't necessarily need a high-end consumer GPU, look at llama.cpp.

Or even better look at something like phi-2. It's likely to go even lower. I'm sure there are people here who can detail more specifics.

Its 1/24 and we're already there more or less.

I picked it up right around when this got posted https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37576303

More or less a month ago. As of speaking, I'm almost entirely familiar with the standard API, comfortable with the language enough to implement a wrapper around openai with built-in tooling and have a configuration which closely resembles my previous zsh interactive setup.

All and all, after a month of usage, I have no regrets apart from reasonable ones like investing time into what could be categorized as personal delight but the power that lies beneath your fingertips grows exponentially with all of this functionality available out of the box.

Its been a pleasure so far and witnessing its incredible pace makes it even more exciting with pleasant surprises from features introduces waiting in every second corner

Yes, similar to how they caught them by surprise in the first place. Not buying most of it.

This is a dead horse but they keep still beating it

If we assume this is true: https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=K5iDUZPx60E&t=2989

Then there isn't anything in particular which makes their model(s) stand out. On the contrary, they seem rather inefficient, which is probably reflected on the inference cost this gargantuan conglomerate takes to run.

As of passing by: 666 points by luu 6 hours ago

You might want to reach for some application which serves some unique functionality without having to leave your keyboard and grabbing your phone.

Probably there are also people who'd like to get rid of their smartphone entirely so this pose as a solution to the ever growing dependency on such devices, be it exclusive bank or other apps, some forms of verification and others.

Admittedly I didn't look into it much but I assume we're talking about physical devices, which likely holds true by the cost of the subscription as well as the considerable challenge of misrepresenting a virtual device for a real one, in which case the service looses any actual appeal.

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