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Depressed people feel lonely. When you hear a sad song, you relate to the artist. Knowing someone else out there has also been in your situation, makes you feel less lonely.

Anyone work out of a co-working space? Totally recommended?

I been doing the work from home for 2 years now. It's getting a little meh. Love the freedom, but it would be nice to have actual physical co-workers, or something like it.

I work out of a co-working space but I also work for myself rather than for a company.

I could work at home but the social monotony would get to me. I need to be around other people shooting the breeze, catching up, networking, or getting help on a programming problem. I'd become too depressed being home alone all the time.

I'd recommend it. It can be pricey though (I pay $400 for a reserved desk in Brooklyn).

I tried coworking last year. It was an hour drive to me, but overall it was worth it. So much better to be in a social environment where folks are supportive than in a cave at home slinging out code.

This varies with where you live.

In Canada, a programmer is certainly not an engineer. And for Canadians going for a TN visa to work in the US, programmers are not allowed. Usually they try to slip in as 'Systems analysts' or craft the job/acceptance letter to fit under an engineering discipline.

Software Engineers are engineers in Canada. A self taught programmer doing css/html is not an engineer.

I'd simply qualify someone as an engineer, iff they successfully graduated from recognized university from an accredited Engineering program. And a second possible scenario is if someone's managed to pass all the Professional Engineer's examinations independently (rare).

Not sure if one should favour 4 years in theory or 4 years in relevant work, for a programming position. For research, yes absolutely as it is straight carryover.

That's an employers decision, my post was not meant to comment on how well someone can program, given their qualifications. Best programmer I know does not have an engineering degree.

Not sure why I got down voted. A quick google search will reveal my comment is factual. At least in Canada where I'm from.


"Many people do not realise that computer programmers do not qualify under the TN Visa"


"meet PEO's stipulated academic requirements for licensure (hold an undergraduate engineering degree from a Canadian Engineering Accreditation board (CEAB)-accredited program, or possess equivalent qualifications), and, if required, successfully complete any technical exams."

I took that ethics course. I don't think that course really made much of a difference in anyone's career. The material was mostly common sense ethical questions.

I think that's their goal, is to be accepted again. Their late rash of investments seem to insinuate that.

Back in the 90's, it was cool to be a Microsoft fan. Not so much over the last decade. They're trying hard to change that.

Supporting BSD rump kernels compiled against the NT api could be a good alternative.

As far as I know, this wouldn't work for U.S. citizens, as they are taxed on world wide income. Residents of countries (like Canada) do not pay tax on world wide income, if person in question is considered a non-resident for tax purposes (ie not living in Canada).

OP is a EU citizen though.

I have no idea about the legal intricacies involved for US citizens, but that doesn't change the fact that there is no corporate tax for the HK setup I described.

That's not true. I played and studied poker for a many years, and I will say for certain that physical cues is a huge part of live games, and definitely not ignored by good players.

It's not ignored, but it's not a 'huge part' of the game.

It's one of thousands of factors that weigh in, and in my mind, one of the least important factors.

I've played several million hands of poker fwiw.

I've had n4/n5 and all the iPhones since 3GS. Disagree that iOS is behind overall. It's behind in features yes, but usability I still like iOS more.

Droid: -more os features -more customizability -like the notification centre much better -most apps that aren't in the top echelon of apps, are gross to use and look at. -hate multitasking multi-processes running in background

iOS: -buttery smooth like no other -touch input is much more accurate, somehow it knows -top echelon of apps, are better on iOS than droid

Gave droid a fair shot. To me, important things to get right on mobile is lag-free daily usage, and accurate touch input. Apple nailed both of these. And apps are usually better done on iOS than droid from my experience. For writing apps I prefer Xcode/Cocoa ecosystem over Java/Eclipse.

Generally I think Apple hardware+software is best in industry. And Google makes the best software services (Gmail, drive, play music, youtube, Maps, etc.).

Xcode 6.1.1 fixed most of the problems you mentioned in the first paragraph for me. Sourcekit crashes was the biggest annoyance, ughh.

I'm on latest and the indexing issue is just getting worse and worse for me.

Try removing (backing up) all folders from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport. It helped for me.

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