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This phone has an 8 mega pixel camera. At what point do you think manufacturers will stop increasing pixel resolution? 50? 100? It has to top off somewhere otherwise people will need a second hard drive just to store phone pictures.

Guru Meditation?!?

"Guru Meditation" is part of a default error message in Varnish, a caching HTTP proxy. Fastly (NPM's CDN) uses Varnish.

The Guru Meditation error originated with Amiga: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Meditation

You make some good points about Coldfusion but the death of Coldfusion is not the language itself or the support and dedication from Adobe, the death is in the job market and demand for it.

Have you looked into Ruby or Node? Compared to Coldfusion and PHP, it to me seems like a new paradigm in web development with tools such as NPM for Node, build tools like Grunt and Gulp.. again, to me, these things make CF and PHP seem old school.

Surreal. Looks like video game art of depiction of a future city.

Google has ruined maps on my Android. So much so that I have reverted it back to original factory version since thats the version which had the single most useful feature of the app - the ability to add what you searched for to your contacts in one press. The number of times they have changed the UI around is ridiculous. I know Im not supposed to be fiddling with my phone while Im driving but if I ever crash its probably because once again Google changed the fucking UI again and I have to figure it out whilst en route.

Completely agree with the "where has this been all my life" sentiments. This is awesome, thank you.

I wonder how much bit coin you could mine with a whole rack of these.

Not a whole lot. Nvidia cards are not as efficient at mining compared to AMD ones.

1. Single gtx titan gets 300 mh/s [0].

2. There are two gtx titan chips in this card, so let's say 600 mh/s.

3. A rack should fit around 60 of these. This gives us 36 gh/s (gigahashes a second).

4. According to this[1] calculator you will get a whooping 0.00361597 BTC per day, which would be worth around $2.12. Tomorrow expected payout drops to $2.09. Electricity should cost you at least an order of magnitude more.

[0] http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/geforce-gtx-titan-perfor...

[1] http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator

Wait a sec, are they saying the Unity5 webgl exporter will only work in firefox?

Callback hell has been my biggest stumbling block with node but there are libraries such as asynch and Q which have provided me with adequate solutions. Also since were talking about things to be ironed out, I hope they make it easier to run node behind Apache or some other webserver thats tried and true.. why abandon all that progress?

Phusion Passenger(https://www.phusionpassenger.com/) supports Node.

I know what you mean but I really think it'll be hard to topple node. I started with express and tried a few other frameworks and finally decided on sailsjs. I haven't had this much fun or been this excited about web development since I started 10+ years ago. I really don't know what it is about node thats so appealing as Im no js guru but I think its going to be around for a very long time.

What makes you think that JavaScript will still be the flavor-of-the-day preferred by this crowd tomorrow, though?

They were pretty gung-ho about Ruby and Ruby on Rails between 2005 and 2010 or so. Then their hype moved to JavaScript and Node.js quite rapidly. It'll very likely move on to something else soon enough.

The difference between Ruby/Rails and Node.js is that javascript is literally used everywhere on the stack. Such a HUGE volume of open source code is written in JS. Ruby/python/Java/C# have not enjoyed that advantage.

But that doesn't give any meaningful advantage. Want to do your database queries to the client? Your business logic? No. Want to put frontend engineers to write your backend?

Lots of bad ideas. I mean, it is an ok feature, but by no means a killer-feature really. Ocsigen does the same thing: you can write your code in OCaml and the client-side part will by translated to JS automatically. Neat? Yes. Killer-feature? Probably not.

And JavaScript is really not that great to start with, so daveloping in something else server-side is not the worst idea.

The powerful use of JavaScript for me is that I can render the exact same templates on the server and the client. That's a lifesaver when you want a fast, client-based app that is also search engine indexable.

And JavaScript is really not that great to start with

It's fine. IMO, all languages have warts you have to work around, once you know them it becomes a non-issue. I can't think of the last time one of those "JavaScript WTF" moments actually tripped me up in real code.

I guess what I mean there is less let's have front end devs write our backend but that the ecosystem is so huge and that so many people know JS that it's a huge advantage. Nearly every single web developer that's been working over the last 20 years knows some level of javascript. No other language enjoys that advantage.

The Language, (in this case JavaScript) is probably the smallest part of domain knowledge needed to be a good front-end or back-end engineer. Front-end engineer, know JavaScript? OK, optimize these queries, do we need to cache, make temp tables, map/redux against the DW, etc? Hey backend developer, know JavaScript? Why won't this render the same in Chrome 33.1 as it does IE 10...etc...

JavaScript is a convenience language across the stack for when the team is small, or even a single person.

yup this comment trail is pretty dead-on.

The problem with web dev (I've thought about this a lot) is really that the browser is kindof the hinge. So no matter what you do for unifying languages, even porting modules so they're same on node front to back-end... you still can't really ever get to a point where you're unit testing pretty reliably through the full-stack.

So might as well test parts in isolation & who cares if there is one language throughout the whole stack as long as your devs are good at the languages required.

One day I think the impedance between server & client will disappear, but only when the browser's role as a rendering engine diminishes or finds better integration/intimacy with the codebase.

(and incidentally, i stopped caring so much about this struggle once i learned how to develop pretty reliable SOA. Haven't totally given up trying to conceptualize the perfect stack tho)

I know enough Javascript to make something work. I know enough about Databases / Python / Perl to make it work, and make it work properly.

> Such a HUGE volume of open source code is written in JS.

That's because there is a separate module for everything! Want to run "mkdir -p"? There is a module "mkdirp" just for doing that.

If you implemented every command as a separate library, of course there is going to be a lot of code out there.

JavaScript is like Gravity on the client side, and with ES6/7 it's about to become a much nicer language too. You could never run Ruby natively, in a widespread manner, on the browser. With one language you can now build a complete stack and target all devices. That's quite big.

Whenever a new technology/language/framework comes up I often hear the word "fun" all the time. My question is: does that fun translates into reliable infrastructure and decent optimized code?

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