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I got reply from Instagram that they are aware of issue and working on it.

Nice. I find this issue is resolved. All of our accounts are magically working.

I'm creator of https://picodash.com, I noticed the same issue about a week ago but did not get any complains from my customers, so debugged it for 8 hours until I found this (I know it will be hard to believe):

I kept getting "Matching code was not found or was already used." when using thru my oauth python code which btw has been working for 6 years now. But when I used curl to do POST, it worked, when I tried Curl again with same oauth code, it failed, So I think this is something that was recently changed by Instagram, the oauth code only works one time, I kind of remember this code could be used more than once before to make POST call, but there was time limit instead, after which using same code was failing.

So with me, this was always failing, but no complains from my customers, I could see logs that new people were signing up.

I started testing on localhost, I added debug logs, I did notice that there was 2 POST calls being made, so it was failing. I could see that 2 POST calls was made and first one did work and get access_token, but there was a second call made and this was error 400 and oauth flow was failing. Almost looked like a retry of POST call, cause my code should only make one.

I started trying different browsers, failed on all firefox,IE, safari, chrome. And then decided to try on my iphone, it worked 100%, so looked for difference, it was on LTE, so I guessed may be my wifi, switched to wifi on iphone and it started failing 100%. So now on my dev system, I connected modem directly to system without router and tried, it passed 100%, so it was my wireless router (I know weird), I tried another 3rd party instagram web app, had same issue but worked without the wireless router. So on Monday I got another wireless router and no issues, it started working. So this could be an isolated incident for me, I came to conclusion that I was using some old router that was dropping POST request and making second attempt and failing.

So I guess if this is affecting all your customer check you code by putting logs that you are making one POST request. Try making a CURL after you receive the code and make sure it is working on first attempt.

Today after reading this, I check my oauth login again, I did notice it fail few times, but when I try again, it is passing, so something changed again I think.

Sorry, but this is definitely not a hardware, connection or session issue. Just check the rest of the thread. We're seeing issues over various links (broadband, mobile, datacenter) on different server locations (AWS vs. on dev machine) with or without private mode / logging out and then in.

I honestly wish it was something like this, at least then we could fix it.

The double POST requests you see is most probably because api.instagram.com returns a 302 response ("Found", i.e. redirect). This is a relatively recent change, but still weeks before those issues started.

By the way, your server refuses connection when you go to https://picodash.com directly (without www.). You might want to fix this.

How about just using a gif image of pong in the pull-to-refresh block instead of all the complicated code

I wouldn't have been able to make it do the rotate-into-place thing it does when the user is pulling down. And it was fun to figure out how to make the paddles act as the ball flies around. Making a gif that's always the same isn't quite as much fun.

Finally there was security guard posted today for Banksy's art

I guess so, both are vandalism, but banksy's vandalism is preferred one if there was a choice

interesting thought

Yep, that's a known implementation gap, there was no simple way to implement it, do skipped it, will work on finding a solution, thanks

Good point, may be I should disable displaying electoral count for historical maps until actual numbers are implemented, thanks

Here is example of a predicted map: http://www.votenight.com/p/1tptn

votenight.com allows people to predict US Electoral map and share shortURL of the Electoral map. You can embed the electoral map prediction on your website / blog. Looking for any kind of feedback on this project that can make it easier and fun for people to use.

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