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While not quite as batteries-included as Rails, Fiber made the most sense to my Ruby/Rack brain.

Thank you!

I was looking for a Slimelight reference in the article, too. The world's longest-running Goth nightclub, it used to be BYOB, which made it a cheap night out. I still have my membership card.

To my eternal shame I’ve never been to Slimes. I used to love the Bangface night though. The werkz is such a great club and you’d just never expect it to be where it is.

Beyond the chatbot's error and the legal approach they took, this bad PR could have been avoided by any manager in the chain doing the right thing by overriding things and just giving him the bereavement fare (and then fixing the bot/updating the policy).

> today's "conspiracy theory" is tomorrow's verified fact

Most popular conspiracy theories remain just that, if not provably false. Horrible events do not compute for most, and they reach for alternate answers.

> Conspiracy theories offer easy answers by casting the world as simpler and more predictable than it is. Their popularity may pose a threat to societal well-being.

"threat to societal well-being" written a decade ago, they didn't know how right they were https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-people-believ...

Small Web: <html>Party like it’s 1999</html>

The author of the article was probably not born then

> I still read a lot about technology, but at the margin I probably get more value from reading histories of institutional disasters and near-disasters, and the biographies of people who helped avoid some of those disasters.

Anyone know of a reading list or a website that collects 'institutional disasters and near-disasters'? e.g. stuff like the recent Accenture/Hertz article, breaking then saving healthcare.gov etc.

If you're learning Clojure there's a site/book that incorporates much of the original SICP text: http://www.sicpdistilled.com/

> features like ctrl+P which lets you to jump to functions rather than play with files, I didn't know any other editor which allowed this feature to be there


S'alright a pure functional toaster just spits out yer bread untoasted.

A pure functional toaster would work one of two ways:

1) It would just be a solid box with no openings. Inside would be full of wondrous magic, but interacting with the outside world involves side-effects so interaction would not be allowed.

2) It would have a glass panel on the side, which you'd hold your untoasted bread against. A slice of toasted bread would pop out of the top. You'd never know where it came from, but you'd be happy that your original slice hasn't been modified.

Keep going, I want to hear how monads get mapped into the world of toast. :-)

You can think of monads as abstractions that may or may not return toasted objects.

So maybe toast?

Only for a moment. An extensible claw would fly out, grab the untoasted bread from your hand and fling it into the garbage can, after a brief but unpredicatable interval.

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