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If someone has remote access to your computer then either way you are screwed. Using password or key file won't change anything.

If your laptop get stolen, then just remove the corresponding line in your authorized_keys file.

> IIRC they're still doing that. In India I think?

They still do this in France and they are being sued for this. Actually this is in today's French headlines.

Somehow this reminds me of this quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

Same here in France, the owner of the Wifi AP is liable in case of illegal downloads. However a large majority of ISP implemented a separate free Wifi that is independent of your connection. You have access to all the free wifi AP from this ISP if you don't opt-out.

I confirm this the case in France: the license for "House of Cards" was bought by Canal+.

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No. You completely miss the point. Many of the terrorists were westerners recently converted to Islam. Also they did not come from poor social classes. They don't have the "excuse" of having grown in a troubled society, they were not desperate because of their shitty life,... Yet they decided to commit atrocities too.

>Also they did not come from poor social classes. They don't have the "excuse" of having grown in a troubled society, they were not desperate because of their shitty life

They were "westerners" only in their nationality not in their ethnicity. For some western societies it's difficult to imagine the difference, but it exists -- not everybody gets assimilated to the culture he lives in, especially if there's another culture he feels he belongs to by inheritance.

For those of people (who are not the majority of ISIS, but a small minority) it's about a twisted idea of revenge for what happened and happens to their (origin) countries and to people of the same faith there, and how the west views and treats them -- not about struggling with poverty.

Or you can do it quick and dirty with a simple Google search: https://www.google.com/search?q=y+%3D+sqrt%281-x^2%29

A nice, convenient way to get the graph. For the integral:


You might find it interesting: http://compnetworking.about.com/od/traceipaddresses/f/ip_loc...

IP locations are kept in databases that have many limitations. Some examples of the limitations I found here in France:

- at best your ISP links your IP with the DSLAM location or simply the city for the most lazy. Sometimes there are mistakes: one of my friend living in the north of France has his IP "geolocated" in the south of France...

- lots of big corporations only give the address of their headquarters

- IP location from 3G/4G network is completely wrong 90% of the time

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