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Better than any course is real life experience, learning as you go.

Here's an idea. Pick a product on Clickbank, set up an affiliate and train your marketing chops with it.

p.s. If you are so inclined and want to be extra helpful, I have a survey in place here: https://heroesneverpanic.wufoo.com/forms/mmwzsrj04f7n7w/

That's the finest compliment I could've got. Thank you! :)

Thank you!

clickable link: http://100daystogo.co

"happy" is not something constant so it is difficult for me to evaluate it as a whole. For example, right now, as I am about to go to work, my happiness level is at around 4. But When weekend comes and I am doing my thing, then it can go up to 7.

i did not find the comment rude, nor immature. In fact, i tend to agree with it.

Really? It sounded pretty gross to me:

"I just don't take these people seriously anymore. It seems like a uniquely north american woman phenomenon."

All of the incidents of claimed harassment in tech that have resulted in enough noise that I have noticed them (5, if I am remembering correctly) have involved North American women. I think they were all in the United States, in fact.

There could be some bias because I'm in the United States, and most of the tech news and tech discussion sites I read are in the US, so I'm probably more likely to learn of things happening in the US than in the rest of the world. Still, given that every example I can think of is North American, I cannot criticize his observation.

You're right, there is a preponderance of women complaining. We can only draw one conclusion: come on women, step it up!

This. A million times this.

plus -999,999 times this

i think it was '97, I was 23 and I met internet for the first time. Never programmed before. But there and then, I fell in love with computers. Sarted making music on the computers. Started doing illustrations on the computer. Learned programming.

I too, think this is awesomely funny and very well constructed! Shame that github censored it.

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