The VC investor is, I think, to stop the property loophole that used to apply here. To get a visa you had to invest $1M in a business, so people registered a company, bought a $1M house, leased it to themselves, employed all their family and moved in.
I assume you are referring to the way the government is constraining who they qualify as an 'investor' (someone who has made an investments of at least $50,000 every year for the past 3 years)? It does make sense to have some clause like that to avoid the loophole you mentioned.
It is still orthogonal to what I am saying though, which is that once an entrepreneur has raised the money from a qualified investor for a legitimate startup, they should essentially get a permanent residency permit.
If you invite a girl out on a date with an iPhone - you then have to go round and give an Apple shareholder 30% of the complements, backrubs and sweet-sweet loving she was going to get
Why does the bill need fixing - it seems to function perfectly
The purpose is to make two politicians look good, to allow their respective parties to claim they are doing something while at the same time being able to reassure their supporters that nothing will change.
That's basically the point of politics since some greek guy stood up in the market place
That's what I asked HR at the last place that tried one of these policies.
Suppose I make porn videos featuring animals and very old people - the company owns them, so I should put "A XYZ corporation" production on the title card?