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Just want to point out that once Azure launches their submersible datacenter units Azure Functions may literally become dead in the water.

One of the demos at Build was Azure Stack running on oil rigs, so you're not far off

I, for one, salute you, sir. Well played.

the whistleblower gets some significant % of settlement

and perfect vs imperfect information - the policy network has to forecast enemy positions and deduce enemy goals. At least in Go you know full game state

He was daring a human-managed fund to outperform S&P500. I don't think Warren is an authority on market's microstructure and quant trading, which these companies exploit.

Basically on very quick trades machines outperform humans. For long term investment a prediction market (stock market index) outperforms humans and machines.

Could you give some examples of how dplyr-based data cleaning code would look in modern julia?

Check out DataFramesMeta, which unfortunately isn't working on 1.0 yet. They have basically a 1-1 matching of `dplyr` verbs to julia versions.

I don't think a standardized and idiomatic data-cleaning process has been established yet, which is for the best right now. There is `JuliaDBMeta` for metaprogramming with JuliaDB tables, and the `Queryverse` for working with a wide array of objects.

One way that Julia's metaprogramming shines is with the ability to go into the AST and replace symbols, enabling local scopes that are more readable than other scopes. One workflow I'm excited to experiment with is something like this

    @as my_long_dataset d begin # make d = my_long_dataset in this scope
    @with d begin 
    t = :x1 + :x2 + x3 # these symbols are arrays inside this @with scope
    d.new_var = t # assign the variable
Of course, with the `@as` macro you probably don't save that many keystrokes if you are just doing `d.x` or `d[:x1, :x2]`... The ecosystem is still evolving but the point is that I like how you can replicate something like `attach` scoping in R without all the headaches. I think it makes a cleaning script feel more like you are only working with the data you care about.

I think it was in f.lux's blog that while f.lux does reduce amount of blue light, apple's built-in night mode (the one on your iphone for example) didn't.

Can't find source now.

I started searching around. Could it be this reply within forum? https://forum.justgetflux.com/topic/4056/blue-light-screen-b...

Contains a link where a graph (which I don't understand) is almost identical with and without sleep shield.

  lorna F.LUX TEAM Aug 17, 2017, 5:48 AM
  And here is the same iPad with one of the many filters that claim to help sleep (unless they are a deep orange, most of them do absolutely nothing): https://fluxometer.com/rainbow/#!id=iPad%20Pro/6500K-iPad%20Pro&filter=filter/SleepShield
But that SleepShiled looks like is a physical device actually.


> You still have to trust whoever created the rules and wrote the code (from maliciousness and errors).

100% agree with you. Seems like a bunch of people are neglecting this factor or misunderstanding what they are buying into.

Blockchain is not 'distributed trust'. In practice, blockchain centralizes trust. You trust your bitcoin wallet to correctly send money to the addresses that you supply, and correctly generate receiving addresses.

There is only one thing to audit/trust now - the bitcoin protocol and its implementation - instead of studying how modern banking and legal systems work. You trust one thing instead of trusting dozens of middlemen. While this sounds like a non-issue to those who live in "first world" countries like USA and only transact internally, it is a big deal for international transactions and some of the less developed economies.

You still have to trust who's getting money into and out of the system. And they're usually related to banks and legal systems.

Most fraud doesn't happen "behind the counter of the bank", but before the money gets there.

Blockchain conferences.


The only solution is to take the unwritten rules and write them down

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