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word combo "final solution" as applied to some human population has a very strong stink.

also, wow, weed in the same category as opium and company. wow.

Line 5 and 6 seem to contradict each other. From 5 it looks like you want to more "gun licensing" and in line 6 you want not to "deny rights". Whereas gun licensing (any licensing, technically speaking) is the denial of right. And any argument (of which there are many valid ones) for gun licensing is precisely what you're arguing against: "Everyone gotta have The Gun License because think of the children" ... even if it deprives someone from the right to protect their life.

I think you missed the part where I say: "The only place this "Everyone gotta do XYZ" trope doesn't apply"

This means that the only place where the denial of rights is not applied systematically is in gun rights.

Another way to read it is: Every other right is treated worse than gun rights. And that is unfair to any unbiased observer.

Gun ownership rights are constantly being attacked, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Freedom of speech is also constantly under attack, as is press. Religion is constantly under attack too. Freedom of assembly is almost non-existent. Any government redress is fine as long as it can be ignored. That's just the first two amendments.

They are attacked because people can see that guns are given more rights than humans.

>They are attacked because people can see that guns are given more rights than humans.

What nonsense. The right to own guns by citizens is what is being attacked.

law abiding citizens. for criminals it's usually other way around ("progressive" DA drops the gun charge and the rest becomes misdemeanor, etc).

but you don't have soldiers in your home! at least 3A is fine.

Well, unless you consider the NSA eavesdropping on you via internet logging and credit card purchases in your home. I guess the NSA isn't technically a soldier.

that's 4A and its state sucks ass. NSA is not military so they are of course welcome to stay!

No, gun rights are violated much more and more deeply than for example 1A rights. Convicted felon who paid their debts to society can absolutely post on Quora and be a recognized popular author there and become a radio or TV host, etc. And felony absolutely doesn't mean violence. Driving 50mph above speed limit in Florida could be a felony. Buy a Ferrari, lose your gun rights!

Rights for me and not for thee.

Not exactly fiasco. Some smart ppl spent $300k to jetset across the world for "research". They definitely do not consider that a fiasco!

I'm happy I don't live in California anymore. Although some of my taxes were spent on these gender equal shades, I left 13 months ago.

You didn't have to bring in your entirely tangential culture war hobby horse, but ya did it anyway. Congrats. I don't know if your goal is to troll, but this is how you do it!

Empath mode is oxytocin injection. Joking? Or not?

Calories are not created equal. They are equal in physics sense, but your body is not a "bomb calorimeter" (device to measure caloric content of whatever). So maybe instead of cutting your calories in half, you cut less and replace carb calories with fat calories or protein calories. Or maybe you can even cut to 1000-1200 by replacing your calorie source with something else. For some weird reason carrots with butter work very well for me and I love the taste :-)

> But ethics? Compared to FAANG? I wouldn't worry about that.

Caught myself clicking upvote 100500 times. Index finger hurts

You need to check the prices on ASML machines :-) TSMC doesn't do the melting and growing crystals, AFAIR.

And also often crazily overclocked

Exactly. It's more or less common practice for the average gamer to push the card right up to the point of visual artifacts, desktop freezing, etc.

Basically "go in MSI Afterburner and crank it up until the machine crashes".

I hope I'm not getting downvoted into complete white on white for asking: Is there a good resource to learn myself a little ML for greater good, if I'm a complete math idiot? Something very practical, start with {this} and build an image recognition to tell birds from dogs. Or start with {that} and build a algo trading machine that will make me a trillionaire. I do have a 4090 in a windows machine which I can turn into a linux machine.

If you're interested in Deep Learning specifically, the fast.ai "Practical Deep Learning for coders" course [1] is often recommended. It says "You don’t need any university math either — we’ll teach you the calculus and linear algebra you need during the course".

[1]: https://course.fast.ai/

Thanks! I don't know if it's DL or not, but what I'm mostly interested is "finding patterns". Like I have this very long stream of numbers (or pair of numbers, like coordinates) and I use such streams to train. Then I have a shorter stream and the model infers the rest. Not sure if I'm talking complete nonsense or not :-)

Math isn't an absolute requirement for training an AI, even programming isn't a requirement, as there are quite a few pre-built tools. I would recommend browsing through some of the many, many books available and see which one(s) speak to your current experience level. You won't compete against world class systems without going deeper, but as long as you're willing to start small, you have to start somewhere just to see if it's something you like doing.

Andrew Ng’s introductory courses on Coursera are a good way to start.

If you’re a bit more comfortable with command line stuff the fast.ai is good.

I found François Chollet's Deep Learning with Python to be an excellent intro. https://www.manning.com/books/deep-learning-with-python-seco...

Youtube is pretty full with things like "Make a Netflix Clone"

See, then, eg.,


What I'm looking for is more like Rust Book. Concepts explained with examples of more or less real world problems. Like they are not just telling you there's this awkward thing like "interior mutability" but why you may need it.

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