Endian-ness would be reversing bytes, not bits within bytes, like 0x1234 -> 0x3412. What we're talking about here would be more along the lines of: 0b0010001 -> 0b1000100
The most obvious application I can think of for reversing bits within a byte would be for image processing applications, such as mirroring an image horizontally, or making kaleidoscopes. There are probably signal processing applications, too...
It was at one time standard to store each bitplane separately. If you had a 4-color 320x200 image, for example, you'd have one page of VRAM that stored a 320x200 1-bit image, holding all the bit 0s, and another, exactly the same, holding all the bit 1s. And so on up to as many bit planes as required. (That was one usual arrangement, but there are other options - e.g., interleaved bitplanes and/or no video RAM as such.)
Separate bitplanes were very annoying in many respects, and the demise of the approach was probably regretted by only a few. But storing each bitplane separately does have one major advantage: you can just write all your algorithms to operate on 1-bit images, and they automatically run at any bit depth. Just run the routine once for each bitplane you're interested in processing.
(That may also mean the hardware is simpler to implement - one plausible excuse for its ubiquity. Not my field of expertise though...)
I think a better approach would be to have the user enter a token into their "about" section, then when the have the site could scrape their profile and then the token could be removed after.
It does look amazing, and maybe its just my PC but on Windows 7, the bullet text below is almost impossible to read. Could also be my display. It looks fine on my Nexus 4, and is ok on Ubuntu.
Maybe my font aliasing is just messed up. Thin fonts have never really looked great on windows for me.
I haven't taken much time to really read over the Go documentation or work through their walk-through the entire way but this is just a simple and elegant description of go routines and channels that just clicks for me.
I know a few of these have been posted to HN before, have any of them ever taken off? We've tried to do this at our school in one of my clubs but they usually die rather quickly.
Is there any way to get the The Motivation Hacker on some other digital device? I looked in the Google Play store but wasn't able to find it and I don't own a Kindle.