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When I was a child I watched a blind man repeatedly kick his service dog while screaming obscenities because it would not let him cross the street outside of a cross walk. I think about that poor animal often.

Yeah, I saw a CCTV video on Australian news where a train stopped short of the platform and the blind owner dragged his poor dog off the edge. That sucks for everyone.

Nothing will ever impress me more than this WebGL fire / explosion effect: http://glslsandbox.com/e#33550.0

Warning: may melt your GPU.

Warning: may melt your GPU.

You're not wrong. That put a workstation-class GPU in a water-cooled system up about 20 degrees C within a few seconds. And it was still not fast enough to animate smoothly during the more demanding parts later in the sequence.

Awesome effect, though. :-)

It worked beautiful on my Intel HD 4000, though setting the "quality" to 1 or 0.5 did slow things down quite a bit.

Works surprisingly well on iOS actually! Not as good as desktop but the effect is impressive

This crashed my NVIDIA driver.

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