that's the kinds of insightful comments I come here for. Side note, I remember in a gift / greeting card shop growing up, everything had long numbers printed on a little sticker on the back, turns out the price was just the last 4 numbers (divided by 1000).
The piece makes clear, "AS LONG AS THERE have been people living in proximity to cows, there have been people making use of their waste."
What's new, and interesting, is that the conversation is about the practical benefits, over the "ugliness" of the concept. This conversation is framed in a sustainability and environmental context, which in the face of climate change, is timely and relevant.
It's particularly poignant coming out of Italy, a culture where they pride themselves in their passion for design, and form over function, whether it is furniture, fashion, cars, etc.
not sure what's so poignant about it coming out of Italy. But sure, the practical benefits are what have been practiced for decades, this is at best a "hipsterification" of it..
That actually does make sense, negative signalling is powerful, there are many blaming silicon valley for all sorts of problems in society (AI killing jobs, rents in the bay area rising etc) and it would be easy to then take the views of a prominent valley figure and superimpose them onto all of the valley, even if <0,01% support trump.
None of the countries you named were ruled or for that matter created by a colonial ruler with another language. India in its current form never existed, its like the EU, there are several states with their own languages, and English is the common one.
As for Aliexpress offering several languages - its just the google translate plugin ;).
India in its current form never existed, its like the EU
This is technically true in that yes, a state with precisely India's borders today did not exist before 1947. But that is a useless claim because that is true for every country in the world.
There are have been many many empires, going back all the way back at least 2300 years, and these empires have ruled the majority of the Indian subcontinent. This includes most of modern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and parts of Afghanistan. Some of them also ruled parts of Iran, Tibet, and a little bit of Central Asia. And these empires all had linguistic diversity. The idea that one language = one country is a stupid byproduct of European nationalist movements.
1) Why do you think Google needs EU funding for their research ? Last I checked they had one of the largest cash reserves outside the US - which means a lot of it is in the EU, if anything this is a way to smartly spend that cash rather than get taxed repatriating it.
2) The lobbyists can be based in Brussels, Zurich isn't that close to Brussels anyways!
"8:2 implies the difference between them isn't so large. (If someone only beat me 8:2, I'd expect a professional to beat them 10:0.)" Not sure I follow the logic here. They're both professionals, and one was much better than the other in the 10 games they played!
My point is that 8:2 isn't much better. Not compared to the range of skills available. If someone beats me 8:2, that puts fairly strong bounds on their skill level, such that most players would either beat both of us or lose to both of us.
Another way to look at it, if Ke beats Lee 8:2 then Lee-plus-four-stones probably beats Ke more than half the time. (I'm pretty confident about four stones; I suspect two or three would suffice.) Four stones is significant, but it's still a fairly narrow gap to say "I think AG falls within this skill range" until you've seen it lose a game.
I get your point, but four stones is beyond ridiculous. Two stones is already a really large handicap. At two stones, Ke would have no chance whatsoever.
Games at this level are decided by a few points. The closer two players come to optimal play, the harder it is to be very much more efficient than your opponent over the course of a game. To be so much more efficient, at this level, that you could overcome a 4 stone handicap is unthinkable.
I would very much like to see computers improve to the level that they could take on a top professional giving a 2 stone handicap. That would be a sight!
Ke Jie would lose to or at best be even with Lee Sedol with one stone handicap (taking white with no komi) because his ELO is not THAT much higher. Since Lee Sedol has a better record against Park Junghwan who also has wins vs. Ke Jie etc. ELO is a better predictor than just 10 games in a vacuum.
"We're laying off up to 336 people, with the biggest impact to Product and Engineering. We'll be providing generous exit packages and helping find new jobs. Sorry. It's our fuckup, not yours."
the intern group is a joke at best. getting rich kids to pay for internships to make their CVs look more international. There isnt any innovation or disruption or even value creation involved. I'm not sure its something SUP Chile needs to be proud of.
YouTube holds a lot of unique content, documenting current times and events as they were happening. Given YouTubes relatively short existence, this is not obvious to everyone yet, but given just ten more years it will already start to provide an interesting glimpse into the lives of the people of the past. Imagine if we would have had the same insight about the people living in earlier centuries. Instead of us having to read about them in books, they could show it to us themselves.
I believe the Internet Archive ( along with sources such as YouTube, provided they survive, will be considered the most important to get insights into the lives of the common people for future generations.