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They haven't said why, but the reason seems commercial and not technical.

Unless a service is bringing in millions or maybe tens of millions of $$ in revenue, a big company like IBM would not find it to be attractive enough. And some big manager one day is gonna cut it down as part of 'house cleaning'.

Whereas for a smaller startup, that same 'millions of dollars' in potential revenue might be a VERY attractive opportunity.

To paraphrase Bezos, big company's need for scale is the startup's opportunity.

you would be surprised that people have managed to work with a lot less ;-)

"this sort of analysis" is a bit wide ranging, so can't comment, because some 'such' analysis might not sit pretty with twitter. But "this" is in line with policies, we in fact work with twitter and twitter is aware of this application.

This in fact has the potential to make twitter data useful for a new kind of user (product manager at a software product), so has the potential of making twitter useful for a sort of new segment of users.

yes it does. More about filters in the api docs here: http://api.frrole.com/v4/docs/user-profile

(warning: docs not fully updated yet. usual development to documentation lag:))

it relies on twitter data a good bit for personality insights Peter, so people you tried are not twitter users perhaps?

try a couple of random twitter users, don't have to be popular, if you just want to get a sense.

Thanks Ryan, this is not fully baked yet but def. not half-baked either. It will do what it is supposed to do.

Instagram is coming, and linkedin too. Soon, very!

Totally agree with Ryan, I signed up API email right away too. This is something dope @kalkat,great work!

thanks mate!

yup just a bit of sentiment analysis, mood analysis, personality analysis, predicting how you would behave as an employee, as as an irate customer, determining your demographics, your social influence. Just those few bits:)

You should use this if you are a product manager whose product needs to know more attributes of its users. You can drop me a line at <username> AT frrole DOT com and i would be happy to walk you through the details.

This is a demo app. But yes, we should. point taken. thx.

Some things will be off Alex, a lot of it is algorithmic construction. Try it now, sometimes it takes more than a few seconds for the full profile to be constructed (if there is a queue etc)

Tried again and it had more of a filled out profile. Age / Location still way off, and lots of the mood stuff is extremely generic, but better than when I tried this morning.

>Try it now

Did you just update his profile there manually? :p

Ha. Funny. But obv. no:) Maybe try a few that you don't share here..

The idea is to use "public" social data to build a secondary layer of intelligence that software products can use to personalize / be more consumer aware (primary layer is their captive data based intelligence).

We think that software has been more about automation of workflows so far, its time it started becoming intelligent.

P.S. replying, as i am the product owner for this:)

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