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Do you have link to original announcement?

Just binge read this. It was great--any other recommendations?

I picked up the recommendation at Reddit's /rational/:


The sub-reddit was made in response to Eliezer Yudkowsky's "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality", which I also enjoyed. Not everybody likes it, but even if you don't you'll probably find other works you'll like recommended there.

Yup. People sometimes use ARR to mean multiple things. Previous poster was referring to run-rate which likely was the run rate for GMV--versys ARR which I assume you mean as annual revenue

Yes, but would be tough, since how could you guarantee you deleted the data you stole

Uber does not need the amount of money it raises because of vehicle automation. That's a relatively tiny portion of their spend.

Where is the bulk of their spend? Hiring? Lobbying local jurisdictions?

Subsidies for drivers as Uber attempts to expand market shares overseas and maintain dominance over domestic competitors: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-25/uber-lose...

Honestly, the China gamble Uber had earlier this year shows me that they're spreading themselves too thin.

I would imagine the latter. Conducting an illegal business in the open must be expensive.

Don't Think Twice is a fantastic movie. Highly recommend it

Think they mean the company was hiring one person. Not that they were looking for an unmarried person.

Don't think this article disagrees with most of your statements. The leverage of money is cyclical--so it's not incongruous that at different time periods the profile of growth vs profitability focus of startups funded varies.

Why when you already got the post money equity at 33%...

Many streamers/ esports teams / etc make good portion of their money from selling merch.

Ah, makes sense. Thanks for the context.

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