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I believe many high-quality embedding models are still based on BERT, even recent ones, so I don't think it's entirely fair to characterize it as "deprecated".

Please put concrete examples right at the top of the page you're publicizing!

The specification for the Podlite markup language is written using Podlite markup itself.


Also online playground is available here: https://pod6.in/

Thanks for your interest in Podlite! with best, Alex

That playground is cool. I wonder if there are any 2-way playgrounds where the right side is also editable using a Word / Google Docs style interface (and the changes are reflected in the code-style interface on the left). I've always wanted something like that for teaching non-technical people the basics of Markdown. Bonus points if it's collaborative.

This is a wonderful and highly sought-after idea. However, it requires significant resources, so we will definitely come back to it and implement it. Thank you

Is it actually more feasible now? Do LLMs actually make this problem easier to solve?

Because I have a hard time believing they can actually extract time increments and higher-level tasks from log data without a ton of pre/post-processing. But then the problem is just as much work as it was 5 years ago when you might have been using plain old BERT.

In our experience they do! The smarter the LLM, the less pre/post-processing you can get away with and still get a good output. So no, you can't just throw raw log data at it, but it doesn't require nearly as much work as it did 2-3 years ago

Why? Do they not know where the data in their own system, that they built, is being sent?

I suggest going through the exercise of seeing whether this is true quantitatively. Get a business-relevant NER dataset together (not CoNLL, preferably something that your boss or customers would care about), run it against Mistral/etc, look at the P/R/F1 scores, and ask "does this solve the problem that I want to solve with NER". If the answer is 'yes', and you could do all those things without reading the book or other NLP educational sources, then yeah you're right, job's finished.

Why do people pretend that alignment of AI is the important problem to solve, rather than alignment of the companies that run AI products with the wellbeing of humanity?

Corporate propaganda?

Cultural propaganda/cognitive training (don't venture outside the Overton Window, and that goes for all dimensions).

Do something more ambitious that is bigger and more impactful than closing JIRA tickets.

You are a teenager who needs oral contraceptives because you are sexually active. You don't want your parents to find out. Since you're a teenager, you have a few constraints:

- you have no car, how do you get to your doctor's appointment without asking parents for a ride?

- you are a minor, do you have any guarantee that your doctor won't tell your parents? You can't risk them finding out, they are very conservative

- you may not have ever made a doctor appointment for yourself before, maybe don't have access to insurance information etc

Planned Parenthood provides BCPs at a price you can afford with your teenager job (also guarantees privacy) but the closest one is hours away...

What do you do?

Certain brands (e.g. SkinnyPop) advertise their bags as "chemical-free" (SkinnyPop claims their's is free of PFOAS). Can anyone help me understand/verify these kinds of claims?

Does anyone know of a good piece of writing about what has made TSMC so successful, what makes their management so good, etc.? Seems like an operational exemplar I'd like to learn more about.

Low wages, highly educated workforce which keeps grinding, large Apple investments to the latest nodetech, Intel's execution failure.

Check out the asianometry YouTube channel.

The book: Chip War

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