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thanks for the feedback! Yea not intentional. Just made it smooth out at bit at the end

Good question on how much boost. I'm not sure. Will try to dig up the original studies

Not trying to make work - more just a curiosity. :)

Ack. Just applied a fix on the scroll. Not sure what to do with when mobile phone goes to sleep. Will look into it

Awesome project! Reminds me of donothingfor2minutes.com from Calm, but with a different end goal of focus instead of calm.

Regarding mobile phones going to sleep, Wake lock [1] might help, unless you can reduce to 59s since I believe 1m is the threshold (make sure to request within the context of the user hitting "start"). Unfortunately on older mobile browsers [2], the best workaround I found was using this NoSleep library[3].

Source: ran into this same issue when building https://www.phonefreehour.com

[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WakeLock

[2] https://caniuse.com/wake-lock

[3] https://github.com/richtr/NoSleep.js

good feedback! thanks

I enjoyed trying to tell if the circle had a 3d aspect to or not, and also trying to tell if it was completely black or actually dark dark gray. I'm not sure if I'm cognitively more focused but I'm going to try it again when I need that focus.


cool. so exhale longer than inhaling and repeat multiple times. I think this works. thanks for sharing

It's more of a double-take on the inhale. 1) Inhale 2) Microscopic pause 3) Inhale some more 4) Exhale longer than inhaling.

From what I've noticed, more than two inhales is fine, it still works. It just shouldn't be an uncomfortable amount of air in the lungs.

I've also noticed that my dog does this when he's about to go to sleep.

yeah basically it is how you breathe after sobbing intensely.

Haha. Well have you tried meditation?

only after breaking a fast with a cold plunge and sauna afterward

if you didn't time your caffeine intake this morning it's all a wash /s

Sorry :D Back to your task!

Now I'm back again to view your reply. I'll get nothing done now (which isn’t much different than before this).

huberman talking about visual focus + brain effects - https://youtu.be/CrtR12PBKb0?t=3367

Haha yea. Thanks!

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