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Wow, she's the Chief Security Officer. I got the impression she was just a hired writer (she prefers writing murder mysteries?). This is looking really bad now, for Oracle's head of security to feel this way.

The scorn for customers in general is palpable. Why is Oracle even allowing this person to be a voice for their brand?

> Why is Oracle even allowing this person to be a voice for their brand?

Because her text will probably only infuriate people that will arguably never be Oracle customers?

> Because her text will probably only infuriate people that will arguably never be Oracle customers?

As a sysadmin with customers who run oracle, and who put some stock in what I say, I can say I am more likely to warn people away from oracle in the future. While in some companies, tech purchasing decisions are made by suits with little or no input from techies, that's not universal.

If Oracle won't sick the sales people on your upper managers if they even get wind that someone at the company want's to move away, you're just not a large enough customer and Oracle doesn't give a shit if you move.

As if Oracle's practices shouldn't have already warned you away. If this is what set you off...

I can only assume you've never dealt with Oracle. This is Oracle. Once your business is reliant on their products, this is how they act, because they can.

Could this rather be a reply to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10040366 ?

Could be a ploy like how many scammers use poor spelling and grammar so that they don't waste their time chasing up people too smart to fall for the scam.

Except it is if you are really concerned about security or have a backbone Oracle don't want to waste time on trying to sell to you.

Considering the post is down, maybe they've "done something about it" already.

In many neighborhoods you can get a car service to do so yes. It's not feasible in all situations however.

Yes, a shady car service that in many cases does not have a price before hand, that does not take credit cards, that always tells you it will be there in 5 minutes (even if you'll be waiting 30+ minutes).

Never had a problem with our car service in Manhattan Beach. You get a price from the dispatcher right away and usually their cars are on time. If they're busy the dispatcher will tell you right away. And price wise they're much cheaper (50%) than Uber. Also I like the new lexuses that the car service uses.

Their location is few blocks away from us, so you need to do research to make sure that the car service is around you.

I live in Queens and the only complaint of yours I can qualify is that they don't take credit cards.

Car service cabs are plentiful and cheap in my area. Many of the drivers directly communicate with you by phone and have GPS.

They also charge a lot more and sometimes never show.

Called a "mega menu" FYI.

I avoid almost all of these snafus simply by not putting anything in Virginia.

If you worked for yourself, you'd be able to make 10 times as much?

The product I work with is making significant gains in the market now. The demand seems to be growing, judging by the new clients I see at work and recruiters that contact me after hours. I know the supply/demand is in favor of the applicants because it's a highly customized software and we were a tiny startup before being acquired by a tech giant. Not very many people have actual real world experience. I know a handful of ex-employees that want to start a consulting group but we are all really technical. We have people skills from being customer facing consultants but I really need a project manager / business person that can cut the deals.

I think their is a premium associated with the company's brand that allows them to charge more but I could probably charge 2/3 of their hourly rate. That would probably give me about 3x-4x my yearly salary now based on an estimate of not actually averaging 30 hours per week for 40 weeks out the year. I have no idea if those numbers make sense though.

Now that also means I take on the risk of finding and keeping clients, no paid healthcare or other benefits. I understand those things come out of my hourly rate at a company but it still doesn't to be a "fair" split to me. Especially when sites like glassdoor report much much higher salaries for people in my company, in my city, with my job title.

I'm already working with some 3rd party recruiters on contract gigs with government and quasi-government companies. The offers I have seen so far are 3x my current pay with a full benefits package. I'm trying to weigh the need for stability though as I have a significant debt to pay off and a child on the way. These offers also have paid overtime. I am figuring unpaid overtime and travel into my hourly rate because it's important to me. I used to include commute time but I work from home now.

Although I asked for a raise and got nothing. Either my skills aren't as valuable as I think or I suck at negotiating. I turned in my resignation once and was offered a much better salary. Leading me to believe I am valuable in someway to this company. I'm pretty confident they would offer a match again (or at least a decent increase) if I were to leave again but I don't know if I want to keep playing that game. I've been in the industry for 10 years. I'm pretty sure I'm underpaid. In the industry for 10 years. Revenue numbers to prove my worth company. I would think that I could cross into the 6 digit range soon but maybe I'm crazy. I'm not even close to the 150k number thrown out by the comment I quoted.

Silicon Valley billionaires have proved repeatedly that they are nothing more than overgrown teenagers. I hope that they do achieve interstellar colonization. This planet will be better without them.

As far as I know, of the five panellists only Musk is a billionaire - the rest are researchers/academics (Nate Soares is an edge case, but still, as the executive director of MIRI, I doubt he's rolling in cash - the whole organization has less than $2M/y in revenue).

I hope that fungus in my basement colonizes the city and leaves my basement alone soon.

But getters and setters aren't inherently associated with IoC nor vice versa.

Sure they are. Instead of the hosting object determining which dependency to return, some external mechanism is determining such. IoC doesn't necessarily apply only to initialization.

I guess if you have no fear of recrimination or are a sociopath you can be confident in your righteousness? Sounds about right. The great thing is that people with your attitude get caught up in stings just the same as those who have mens rea. Police don't look at evidence and think "here's a guy/gal with nothing to hide", they think "here is someone we can charge".

Yeah, reporting it is definitely the right thing to do and would totally go well for you. /s

On a tangent: if people do accidentally find indecent images of children, or images of child sexual abuse, there are methods to report those images anonymously.

The Internet Watch foundation is one site. There are probably others for different countries. https://www.iwf.org.uk/

The IWF has just announced a collaboration with Google, Facebook, Twitter: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33844124

I'm not sure when this section of the US Code became law but back in the 1990s, I was looking at some adult material and I followed a link to some .ru site that had material that was highly suspect. I made note of the domain, closed my browser and opened the phone book.

I called the local FBI office and reported the site. I never heard anything else on the matter. To be honest, I was more worried that it was a honeypot and I wanted to make sure that if they were watching, they knew that I didn't go there on purpose.

Did you notice the "or"? Just delete it if you feel that way.

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