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It's unfortunate that you're absolutely correct. Mens rea is one of the worst concepts to ever enter the legal system.

It's a vital protection. Look at how messed up anti-money laundering enforcement became in the USA after the PATRIOT Act removed the mens rea requirement.

When I first learned of it I thought it made a lot of sense, so I would genuinely be really very interested to read you expand on its harms.

Personally, I'd rather fuzz their servers with terabyte after terabyte of garbage, but to each his own.

Can you also fake/spoof the appropriate signatures/headers? Otherwise separating that data is going to be very easy. Unless you do it on a higher level like emulating input, but then you won't have a very useful machine.

He probably can. His computer is able to create those signatures, and he didn't lose low level access to it once he installed Windows 10.

It's probably not easy, but might be a very interesting thing to do. Will the US start to criminally persecute everybody that does that?

And also, the most important question. Will people still be able to do that on newer computers that ship with Windows 10?

Since when does TLS warrant scare quotes around the word "encrypted"?

Why whenever anyone quote anything someone replies criticising them for using "scare quotes?" People commonly use quotations (in English) to emphasise, or to distinguish. It is like a poor man's italics.

Look at the context to decide if someone is using it to imply something is bad/evil/scary, in this case you cannot draw that conclusion. The OP is clearly just using it instead of italics.


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I actually do. I won't be able to say much because I'd like this account to remain anonymous, but my parents are/were notable figures in the homeschooling movement. At least from the 90s-00s, religious homeschoolers were the solid majority of all homeschoolers in the US by far. Many of which are more extreme than you probably imagine.

I have what seems to be a unique perspective in this thread, among a bunch of trendy libertarians. I was actually homeschooled my entire life. It wasn't great. It did not do much to prepare me for the adult world, where people don't really care if your precious ass needs extra time on something or would rather do something else, and you do have to collaborate with people you may not particularly care for. I did not anticipate the need to navigate office politics. After a lifetime being spoiled, I'm floundering. Most of the jobs I've held haven't lasted beyond 6 months. If I do have children, I would respect them enough to put aside my ideology (after all, I hate the government as much as the next HN reader) to not do them that particular "favor".

We'll make sure we don't spoil our children.

Presuming that "trying" on the final is necessarily a good thing of itself.

If you're moderately good at both, in the combined grade you would have done... (wait for it) moderately.

So what's the problem?

Why would you expect that (modulo wtf are you talking about).

You are correct, but "regulatory capture" refers to a different form of corruption than what you are talking about.

Did you read the article? Not only was sql injection found, logins were brute forced. 2fa absolutely would have helped with that.

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