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I personally have a long list of products not to buy. If you somehow repeat the same ad and I remember your product, I stop buying said product. If youre wasting your money on spamming ads, your product sure as shit isnt better than competitors', since they waste less on ads, more on product. I dont use ad blockers, they make it harder for me to find out who has the poorer product.

Wow, that sounds like a ton of work. I think a better idea is to use an ad-blocker, but run a program in the background that downloads the ads (or maybe just samples them, to save bandwidth and resources), processes them to find brand names, and then stores these brand names in a database so you can find their relative frequency and assign a score to each. Then you can just query the db when you want to buy something to find that brand's acceptability score.

Yes, any logic that explains the reality on the ground and makes US/NATO look bad must be Russian propaganda. Russkies have been making a lot of sense lately.

When can we expect a webapp? Is there something about the phone ecosystem that makes it impossible to convert to the web? Tired of apps for everything, keeps me up at night...

I.E protectionism

well are you doing your laundry by hand? I'm going to praise our washing machines here, glorious immobile 1-2 function robot.

Yeah, I don't understand either, hardware advances have made it such that, unlike when I was a child washing each and every piece of clothing by hand, I can now just chuck em into machines and it comes out perfectly each time.

>Blowing up ukranian citizens is also a war crime.

Indeed, I wonder when Zelensky will be prosecuted for these war crimes. (In case short memory readers are curious, Donbas(etc) region was part of Ukraine not long ago.

IIRC, you are correct. gang-bangers are usually the dangerous kind, always strapped and making sure no other gang is crossing/doing business on their blocks. Throwing signs and intimidating is their main duty. Usually come up to you and ask 'Watchu is?' if you have the hoodlum look, ready to war.

Gangmembers are older(and less dangerous by themselves) and some have gone through 'banging', others have joined through other means. They used to have the kids do the banging since laws are more lax on minors, and the kids are usually the hot heads who need to prove themselves. Members count the money and are in charge of administration, when organized proper. Im sure there is more to the heirarchy but usually a member wont come at you by themselves. they send the foot soldiers if they have beef with someone. Members are fairly weak, drugged up, care about the money. They come at you with numbers. Bangers are extremely dangerous by themselves.

Except those who benefit from home cooking are your family and friends, not the investor class/ad traders. Cant see how this relates at all..

Should your family pay you to cook, or did you actually cook for them because you like it.

Right, but the benefit is food for your family, not money for a corporation.

At least the name suits the aggregated-from sites.

That was partially the purpose of the name, yes. :)

Cus sending money to Ukraine benefits our politicians (wether thru holding 'defense' stocks or investments in rebuilding Ukr). Helping out the poor is un-American, anti capitalistic.

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