I'm using a free ssl cert from https://www.startssl.com/. I think one of the caveats of it being free is that it's not supported by everything? I'm not sure though. It works for Chrome on Desktop it seems.
I just didn't want to spend money on an SSL cert for a project that's not intended to make a profit. Sorry for the trouble anyway.
The reason the landing page sucks is because Ballistic wasn't really intended to be a product. I created it mainly for two reasons:
1. I made a simpler version of the app before to learn node and found myself using it often. I wanted a version with more features and so I created Ballistic.
2. I wanted to use it as a portfolio item I could reference when applying to jobs which require Node/Angular.
I still think you're right though, so I quickly updated the landing page. Hopefully it's a little more clear now.