I go out for mega long bike rides in areas with very spotty cell coverage (Silicon Valley). This app is great because when my spouse wants to know where I am she can initiate the request, and I can keep my hands on the handlebars and keep rolling. I only wish they had thought to allow choices other than 'phone ring, wait 5 minutes'. I'd have prefered to set the notification type and delay. I hope the GPS battery drain for this feature is low (as compared with Garmin Connect, Strava or Glympse). 10 minute intervals sounds great.
In a nutshell, non-fat (or very low fat) vegan. A good resource for this is drmcdougall.com. Though I find McDougall a bit off-putting with his style, IMHO he's on the money, and the diet is what my doctor recommends.
See, this is what makes diet suggestions so difficult. I think this is practically the opposite of what you did.
Interesting. I agree, different diets work for different situations & people. I think sometimes its a lot of trial and error. I am happy your diet is working for you. I plan to do some reading up on it.
I have two very competent friends that, in the past couple of months, have quit Apple because they were working in groups with toxic cultures. One was IS&T, the other was hardware (I don't want to name the exact group). They had very detailed accounts of the issues they encountered. They didn't have great things to say about other groups they were familiar with, or had previously worked in, either.
My last company worked extensively with browsers from various companies, at a deep level. Safari was, by far, the one that crashed the most and had the most general implementation problems. My experience with their other software is not much better, and I avoid what I can. And then there is the ghastly iWorks rewrite. The only software I've ever thought highly of from Apple is Mac OS X.
I would guess there are deep cultural problems at Apple that are being allowed to fester, and perhaps this extends to some OS X groups. Yet Apple continues to produce beautiful devices that people buy for their dopamine hits (okay, I admit, maybe iPhones are pretty nice). I wish Microsoft would seize the opportunity and make an OSX-like OS* that runs common productivity and creative apps so we could not be beholden to Apple, as I am for Mac.
* Apparently they did this once but the project was canned
> Yet Apple continues to produce beautiful devices that people buy for their dopamine hits. I wish Microsoft would seize the opportunity and make an OS X-like OS* that runs common productivity and creative apps so we could not be beholden to Apple, as I am for Mac.
Would you not class devices like Dell's XPS 13 (2015) [1], Microsoft's Surface 3 & Pro 3 [2][3], Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon (3rd gen) [4] as beautiful?
Windows can also run many of the productivity and creative apps that are commonly found on Macs. Which apps do you use?
I can imagine these devices are beautiful, and I'd love if I could run a good MAC OSX-like OS on them that also runs common productivity apps. I combined too many unrelated points the in above quote and made what I wrote confusing.
What archive format would you back up to, and what application would you use? I looked at this a few years ago and, if I recall, the choices weren't obvious.
This seems expensive for what you get. I made a $25 table from Ikea parts to put on top of my work desk. I cut the pipes to the right length. It works just fine and I get storage under the table.
I too will use a recliner at home sometimes, to rest the back. I use a Corbusier knockoff (something like this: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0278/9057/products/black_le...), slid under a work desk, with the laptop and mouse on a board on my lap, and a monitor on the desk.
Easier, or at least easy, fun, less compatibility issues when you live in a pure js and json world on the front and backends, productive, good libraries, good built-in libraries, easy to deploy, productive.
Converting to JSON is pretty easy in almost any language.
And the framework I currently use is productive, has good libraries, has good built in libraries. Has a good security record and is extremely productive and stable. Deployment is one area where it doesn't shine. If that's the best reason for choosing a language I would be using PHP.
And it doesn't involve JavaScript, which is in my opinion a benefit.