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Creative writing teacher.

created WordPress (Matt Mullenweg, author of motto "code is poetry")

Not that many, perhaps a bit surprisingly.

copy editors and proof readers are the people trained to catch those types of errors but are seen more and more as an unnecessary expense.

peer reviewers assess scientific interest and quality.

edit: also, the abstract was almost certainly written after peer review.

Most of NYC does not have the physical space for dumpsters or the roadway access for dumpster lifting garbage trucks.

There are some large buildings where it would be practical, but much of the residential housing consists of buildings with <10 apartments and no alleyways (let alone driveways).

first, i'd just read The Death of Ivan Ilyich which is much much shorter.

after reading that if you feel like reading tolstoy is something you want to do a whole lot more of, then pick up Anna Karenina or War and Peace. I've read both, because i enjoy reading Tolstoy, but i would not recommend reading them if you do not enjoy the process. there are plenty of other great literary works out there (and most of them are shorter).

I've seen the coding questions we ask candidates... whether or not i would pass would depend 100% on which question(s) I was asked.

Something relevant to the work I do all the time? yes, I'd probably pass.

Something about some data structure or algorithm I haven't needed to use in four years that i now have 30 minutes to implement in code? I'd likely fail.

When something comes up in my actual job where i need to solve a problem i'm not familiar with, i first do some research on the problem and learn/remember what i need to know about it and related algorithms/data structures before doing any actual coding.

i certainly do not "immediately write code as fast as possible" when presented w an unfamiliar problem.

if you must ask candidates to work on coding problems, i believe that you should give them 3 or more problems and let them pick which one to work on for the actual "coding test" part of it.

Then maybe have a conversation about the other problems to get a sense of how they would think about/approach them w/o actually making them write code.

You nailed it, man. I don't do terribly well on Leetcode interviews, on average, but, for my last job, my interviewer told me some time after I got hired that I had done the best on that interview that she had ever seen. That's because it was a real world question as part of a structured interview process, as opposed to "let's just 4 engineers to throw random problems at the candidate."

"Clean computer files as needed"


Whatever it is that is needed to clean their computer files, it sounds more achievable than:

"Ensure all computers remain connected and on at all times"

>Adjust temperatures in salons as requested by Operations

Sorry i had to archive that "thing", it's hilarious ;)

what is it then? pro-prolonging-the-pandemic

i think if someone finds themself on Team Keep the Pandemic Going, they should reconsider what brought them there.

Anti-science is religion which is blindly following a myth.

Are you blinding following the myth that covid will go away if everyone gets a shot? Anyone who doesn't have one is holding this up?

Not the person you're replying to, but if everyone gets a shot then the restrictions can go away. There a lot of articles[1] that say vaccinated can get Covid, but the chances of a bad sickness or death is much much lower. If everyone is vaccinated then Covid will really just be a flu.

For example Portugal with 98% vaccination rate and no idiots screaming "oppression!" has dropped mask mandates.

Sometimes I do wish the governments would just drop restrictions and let the unvaccinated deal with it, but luckily for them, governments still have a duty to care even for the belligerent, even providing them with hospital care when they get the virus.

[1] which the antivaxxer can just dismiss as propaganda or fake news!

Go ask Israel. They are on their third required booster shot. Are you so naive that you think the government will give up this power after it has successfully forced the masses to inject a vaccine with no long terms studies?

Ooh (Halloween ghost noises), scary government(s), competent operators of worldwide conspiracies...

In my view you and the other conspiracy-minded are the ones who think/act like children and that the world is an Avengers movie with a baddie that has a complicated scheme to rule the world.

Why would government/the global elite need to use a virus or a vaccine to control us, they already do so by indoctrinating us since first grade to be devoted to money. Yeah yeah, I've read the arguments, "mask mandate/forced lockdowns/quarantines -> injection with 'scary unknown substance' mandate -> ... -> gas chambers". But why, what good would it be to kill us all?

If they really want to poison us all, why do they need a "subplot" of introducing some fancy mRNA vaccine, and needing a to include a character who's been working on mRNA for 30 years? Why not just introduce some medication that doesn't work and tout it as the cure. Oh wait, do hydroblahblahquine or Ivermectin work..?

"15 days to slow the spread", I googled it, that was March 2020, before scientists knew the virus and before Delta.

Also, this pandemic has now been in 2 administrations. So, was Trump in on it and Biden is continuing it? Or is it the secret elite cabal working above them? Trump for one doesn't bear the thought of losing the presidency, and the pandemic killed his reelection chances, why isn't he raving about this secret plan to control/kill the world? Probably even he thinks that theory is too nutjobsy.

You're missing the point. Its not the virus, or about "poisoning us", its the precedent that is being set by the government essentially forcing a new substance injected into the masses.

Any sane person would conceit that a medical decision is to be made by doctors and their patients, not mandated by the government, as every single case and patient is different.

The fact that the government is mandating this (after Biden explicitly said he wouldn't put a mandate in place the way)is extremely dangerous. If they can do this successfully, only time will tell what they'll try next.

Even Texas has vaccination mandates for children (PDF): https://dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/school/pdf/6-14-2021-2022-... so "medical decision between doctor and patient" is horseshit. Or to be more polite, irrelevant, because that decision is still there, i.e. a doctor can give you an exemption after determining you're unable to have the vaccine.

And the only difference between what I wrote and what you're painting is the timeline. Your comment means to me: maybe the government means no harm with their mandate, but what if they get away with it and exploit this compliance in the future? So my argument from the grandparent comment applies: what will their goal be in this scary future? If it's a dubious reason, I'll be there to fight it. But I guess you have a head start there, against this "evil Biden regime" that wants a compliant population to control!

You're comparing a school requirement for children, with extensively studied and venerable vaccines (which are not RNA based) to a government mandate on all federal workers, and soon to include the private sector as well (ie get it or get fired)? Seriously?

I can home school my child, but cutting off peoples livelihood is not the same.

If you cannot see that, then there is no reasoning with you.

You seem to be upset (ie cursing etc), you should perhaps consider that your anger is clouding your judgement.

Since this is Hacker News, here's the founder of PowerDNS on reverse engineering the mRNA vaccines: https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/reverse-engineering-source... . You'll find what it all does and why it should be safe, and then my guess is you'll dismiss it because you know that you know better.

Not having a vaccine mandate for children is dangerous because making it optional mean many can be infected, be sick and die. The same logic seems to be being applied to society in general. "No vaccine = not welcome in school" is now "no vaccine = not welcome to parcitipate in large parts of society". Sure it's brutal, but hah there's a brutal pandemic going on.

And your judgement seems to be clouded by your preconception that the government is bad and is out to harm you and many others. A few weeks ago I asked myself "Why do I even put emotional energy into trying to convince people (random strangers on the Internet) who I shouldn't give a shit about if they want to be stupid and ignorant?", but yeah, here I am back at being upset at not being able to get through thickheaded people. I went through your comment history and you have plenty of dead comments due to your bigotry, so I wonder whose head is screwed on correctly. But well, idiots never know they're idiots, right, and that applies to me too.

I'm glad you came to the same conclusion about yourself that I did from the very start of this conversation.

mRNA as a vaccination route has been studied for quite a while. It's considerably less invasive than other conventional vaccines.

You're going to need to provide a source for this.

The claim:

> They are on their third required booster shot.

The source you provided:

> To be considered fully vaccinated in Israel people must meet one of the following criteria: be 12 or older and have received a booster shot at least a week ago; be within six months of having received a second vaccination shot; or be within six months of having tested positive for Covid-19.

You are not a serious person.

> if everyone gets a shot then the restrictions can go away.

That's really hard to believe after "15 days to slow the spread" turned into unprecedented vaccine mandates. And yes, they are unprecedented because needing a vaccine to work basically anywhere is unprecedented, especially for vaccines that are less tested than those that usually get mandated.

In other words, we have been lied to enough about when restrictions would end that I don't think they will end.

Every school has been requiring vaccines for decades. Hardly unprecedented.

People who've had the disease have no reason to get vaccinated, denying that is simply denying data&science.

In any case, the pandemic won't end when everyone's vaccinated, but instead when everyone stops being afraid of it; the virus cannot be stopped (at least not with the current version of the vaccines) so the only change possible is the society's reaction to it.

why aren't we locking everyone in a 2m cage with food delivered by drone to stop the pandemic faster

The virus is endemic now, the pandemic is over.

Get vaccinated if you wish, most people already have natural immunity.


Depends on whether or not the boss can be trusted.

I've had bosses where the only thing they ever heard from me were optimistic status updates on work in flight.

I considered them completely untrustworthy -- one for lack of competency and one for being a clumsy power seeker.

But in general I would only talk to my boss about issues that (1) I'm OK with my boss telling other team members that I said what I said about it, (2) I'm OK with my boss having input on what course of action to take on the topic, and (3) I trust that the conversation is unlikely to be interpreted in some negative way for me.

I think it is basically this. Amplifying dangerous messages has a liability.

Screaming "FIRE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" in a crowded theater when there is no fire or evidence of fire is not protected speech under any sane "freedom of speech" doctrine.

Giving the person screaming that a megaphone makes you complicit in the crime.

Giving people the "freedom" to trick other people into causing harm to each other is not giving people freedom. It is supporting abuse.

There are lines, of course... fine or otherwise, and it is a messy process to draw them. And mistakes are often made and should be called out.

But it is not a weak argument to claim that supporting the spread of disinformation about public health measures during a pandemic is supporting abuse.

And the problem with social media is that instead of there being 200-500 people who can hear the megaphone there are hundreds of million. Scale matters. What can be tolerated in the local pub a half hour before closing may not be tolerable on a billboard in Times Square.

By the way, you can in fact yell 'fire' in a crowded theater, as the original decision which this phrase refers to was overturned in Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969: https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/11/its-tim...

Robbery of delivery workers has long been a problem in the city complicated by the fact that many of them don't trust/don't feel safe going to the police.

My first time on jury duty in nyc the case was armed robbery of a delivery worker to steal his cell phone - this was pre smart phone era, so let's say the phone's value was <$200.

Was a very depressing case tbh. One person at risk of death and another at risk of a long prison term for what was really petty theft (armed robbery makes the punishment much much worse than just petty theft would be).

Indeed. Maybe the part that's most depressing to me is that the long prison sentence clearly isn't enough of a disincentive against robbing another working-class person. How fucked up and bleak would your world have to be in order to do such a thing?

Harsher sentences can actually be detrimental. It's not so bleak that someone would be willing to spend years in prison for a $200 phone.

Similarly, I didn't actually believe it was worth more than $125 to be a few seconds earlier to work this morning, which would be a rational, economic justification for a $125 traffic ticket. Instead, I've driven some 250,000 miles in the past 10 years (thankfully done with the long highway commute that caused most of them), I'd say about half of them were at 5mph over, and I've never received a ticket. I traded a 1:100,000 chance of a ticket against keeping up with the rest of traffic who were also uniformly breaking the law; I'm pretty adept with numbers but I find it difficult to comprehend that scale.

They're trading a tiny, tiny chance of prison time against a $200 phone. The actual percentage of enforcement is irrelevant compared to the justified, reinforced belief that they won't be caught or punished. OP mentioned that as a juror they were depressed at the apparent mandate to sentence someone to years in prison for the petty theft, instead, consistent enforcement of an appropriate penalty would be far better at changing behaviors.

That long sentences weren't much of a deterrent was already common knowledge when I was in high school in NYC some 40-odd years ago.

The biggest deterrent was just getting caught in the first place.

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