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I don’t see this way of thinking very often and I do think it’s more useful to meditate on it. Thank you for taking the time for this, the silent majority appreciates it even if we can’t find the words.

My friend died from lung cancer caused by too much smoking after losing his job. And handling that is very stressful to me because I am, and others like me are almost in the same boat.

I love it when articles talk down to me!

> "I was led to believe that this world was an evil place, filled with cops who control, hospitals that injure, government agencies that brainwash, church leaders who lie and lust, husbands who refuse to protect and children who need abuse," she said.

other than abusing children, most of her list there is spot on.

This is Dr. HN, but without the /sarcasm tag.

Lol oh no I’m petrified.

I remember the old days of using tinyIRC which boasted that it was hand-written in assembly. And indeed, it was great to use. But there’s nothing really notable about any of this today when so many editors are flexing speed. Two weeks can’t go by without a new editor coming out. I’m still on VS Code after ST shit the bed.

So.. uhh, I’m just.. D-Do we need a meeting for this? Do we want something weekly or?

My favorite is "I hate to add another meeting to our calendars, but..."

This is off-topic but I disagree with this comparison. Microsoft Game Studios has consistently been a great producer of video games going all the way back to when they first started. Blizzard has been destroyed from inside with Activision and their leadership left as a result of that to open up new studios. I’m optimistic about a return to form under Microsoft, but I am also aware we can’t step into the same river twice and it’s not the golden age of blizzard games anymore.

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