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Very interesting. Wish there was a more in-depth piece on this.

Since you asked, I'm happy to oblige.

A lot of the discussion online refers to the so-called "code is law" aspect, and that is a useful term to narrow your search in conjunction with Mango Markets especially for this particular case. There are also a fair number of urls/links you may find in the other articles and references I have included below.

Hope that helps!


Twitter thread from the man himself:



Hackers drain $100M off Solana-based DeFi platform Mango Markets 79 points by mardoik on Oct 12, 2022 100 comments



On the supposed “nihilism” of the Mango Markets arbitrageur 45 points by firloop on Oct 16, 2022 59 comments



Mango Markets - REKT

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Mango DAO Readies $42M to ‘Make Users Whole’


I worked on a year long project to rebuild our payments system only to learn the company had been undergoing talks and was acquired by a different payment system competitor. Even though the pending acquisition was going on for the last 6 months of the project nobody told us to stop working on this thing that the top level people knew would never be used.

“In 1990, the estimated value of the stolen collection amounted to $200,000, but thirty years later, it exceeded half a billion”

Feels implausible. Maybe a typo.

Always scary when you learn you can be DOS’d by a single user that learned to use bash and a for loop.

“You need a link not list-unsubscribe” is not fully accurate according to my reading. They are asking senders to support the one click unsubscribe rfc, which uses list-unsubscribe.

There is an app called grog knots which I think is made by the same people. Best few bucks I’ve ever spent for an app. Love having a bunch of knot diagrams handy when I’m out trying to do something.

I came here to recommend this. Absolutely worth the 1-time $4.99-no-subscription-or-account-or-any-BS payment.

They made a cool thing. It is valuable to me. I paid for it, and we're done.

The app downloads once and doesn't need an internet connection. If you drew a Venn diagram of "Times I want to Know How to Tie a Specific Type of Knot" and "Times When I Am Out of Cellphone Range", there would be significant overlap between the two circles.

I'm not a particularly good follower of technical diagrams, but I find the instructions to be very clear and easy to follow. It's rare that I don't get a knot right the first time.

I've secured tarps, tents, clothes lines, gear onto vehicles and (most recently) a mountain bike that was missing its rear suspension, all thanks to this app.

Here's the link to the app available for various devices: https://www.animatedknots.com/shop

EDIT: I forgot about the fishing knots. No matter how good the app is as a resource, I always get confused and frustrated by fishing knots. But I also get confused and frustrated by fishing, so I can't really blame the app for this.

From the animatedknots.com website on their apps page:

"Do you love advertising?

We need to apologize in advance, because our apps are nothing but knots. We are sure that there are other apps that will suit your needs."

It says it's not available for my device. I've got a 3 year old android phone. Has it maybe not been updated recently enough? I used to have the app when it was free way back when. On an Ipod touch because I didn't have a smartphone back then.

So a four stroke leaf blower would be ok?

All that weight would probably be bad for your back...

That's why I dual wield two normal leaf blowers instead!

they are much better than a 2-stroke but still far worse than e.g. a modern vehicle because the emissions technology is either much much simpler or not present at all.

Yeah I am assuming that they are talking about the pollutants that are normally burned up in a catalytic converter. Still confusingly worded.

The 100 requests per minute fee oauth tier is how you would want to handle this right? The requests should be authenticated as if it was the current logged in user anyways.

that's per app, not per user.

Curious if the https certs for these sites have some common characteristics that could indicate what sites are related as well.

I have found that one of the communication mechanisms used does use HTTPS on subdomains, typically secure.*, as explained at: https://cirosantilli.com/cia-2010-covert-communication-websi... E.g.: https://secure.globalnewsbulletin.com However my quick and naive searches on https://search.censys.io/ for other certificates with the same public key failed.

If anyone has any more precise information on this, do let me know. I do suspect there's some kind of "protocol legel" fingerprint, as I can't find anything in the content that would be searchable so far.

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