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You can search around CfA's blogs, their Brigade people, the Sunlight Foundation's blogs, Knight Foundation's blogs, Techpresident's blog, mySociety's blogs, Open Knowledge Foundation's blogs but to me the best example of a great library turned into a makerspace is https://www.fflib.org/make/fab-lab.

In the comments sections someone also recommended this great talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_prager_in_search_for_the_man...

According to the previous discussion, he used, ignoring analytics and APIs: js (coffeescript), leaflet, d3 (mercator projection), jQuery, SASS, mapbox, jquery-pjax, python (django), individual animated state transitions with css, and webkit transitions.

This is on another level. What extra resources on the side would one recommend following IDV for the Web [1], to close the gap?

[1] http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000345/index.ht...

Does one really lose the freedom to express themselves once they are VC backed founders? Tinder is a hook up app, and yes, perhaps Tinderslut is too revealing and direct about what any female or male users do with it, but, if he were to use promiscuous tinderian and have a gender neutral tone: would there be that much controversy? If I love naked women and art do I have to throw naked men and art in the mix to not be called a misogynist? The author exaggerated his article with those pictures. Tinder, being male dominated, will naturally have a slight chauvinistic culture. She wasn't pushed aside for being a female, the author hasn't provided evidence to support such a claim. As one of my favorite YouTuber said in his video [1], "if a women has a skill and passion for something she is already pursuing it." Thus, to not be brushed aside she had to battle for relevancy like anyone else does with skillful work instead of lightly accepting her irrelevancy and looking for the media to gain an undisclosed agreement.

Edit: As usual, anything not supporting the usual response gains downvotes.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_dRt00ufp4

You're right, she totally should have "battled for relevancy" despite being called a "slut" and a "whore" while the CEO does nothing about it. Obviously, she just wasn't trying hard enough.

Lean in!

Not to pile on, since you've already been downvoted, but have you actually read the abusive texts that started this whole shitstorm? Nothing in this article speaks well to Justin's character, but I don't think any of it would be getting attention if it weren't for the can of batshit misogynist crazy he opened up on a female co-worker. I think the social media behavior documented here is pertinent context for those allegations.

Just researched for a bit and saw them. The author shouldn't have focused on her departure for simply being female and should have mentioned the texts. I conclude that he's an extremely sexist asshole, but not misogynistic. An overall hate would be mean not to be able to appreciate the art he's into. Nevertheless, due to the texts and the CEO ignoring the behavior, her outcry to the media was justified and needed. Hopefully she gets a hefty sum for her troubles.

The article doesn't really highlight the full extent of his messages and behavior though!

While it's likely that Mateen's conduct was influenced for the worse by their relationship and break-up(s), it went pretty far into 'misogyny' terrority, and can't really be justified.

I mean, I've said some nasty things in the heat of the moment through and after a break-up, but nothing like that.

That said, I agree the author could've done better. I was very confused by the introduction of 'Munoz' without describing who he was, for example. I get the impression the article was written in haste for maximum 'relevancy'.

He said a lot more than that, from the article.

You are still free to say whatever you want, and people are free to call you an asshole and distance themselves from you.

Yeah. It can be used to call waiters without investing into a raspberry pie / arduino and a bunch of rotary devices for each waiter when they all have phones.

Wouldn't a text message do that too?

Yo is one tap. Texting is many more.

eOS has too much eye candy. Someone suggested in the comment section to install alucryd's PKGBUILDs to gain access to updated packages on Arch. If you're already thinking of Arch because of that comment, this should be enough eye candy: lightdm, cinnamon + CoverflowAltTab, plank + plank-themer, nautilus or spaceFM, themes like Numix + cinnamon-chronumix [1], awesomeWM, and reEFInd and a minimal theme [2]. Not sure why people opt in for a visual representation of applications when they need to browse to install applications...there's the list of applications in the wiki and /r/unixporn if you need visuals..

[1] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serdotlinecho/cinnamon-chr...

[2] https://camo.githubusercontent.com/32729998da4401a2aef674308...

I cannot comprehend how, psychologically, sitting down and recreating a principle-like conference is bullying. Is it because there are multiple powerful people shaming you? A form of gas-lighting?

Would be awesome for someone with the knowledge to transfer this for something like w3m and eventually port some of it to ranger (http://blog.z3bra.org/2014/01/images-in-terminal.html#).

This can work for replicating awesomeWM in the browser. Nice.

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