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What's the non ai solution?

It actually came direct from the model hoster, I linked next to it

Please don't send giant images, they will freeze and not rate. Under 2mb is best!

There's still growing areas of research on cat communication: https://animalfacs.com/catfacs_new

20 years old PDF not downloadable publicly apparently.

They choose manually "please allow 7 working days for a response" whether they want to approve you.

Strange for something developed on public funds and sitting behind a wall.

They would likely benefit more (on their personal careers) if they let an open access and push researchers to build machine-learning models on their structure.

Trust me there's a whole rabbit hole I've been dealing with https://twitter.com/DareFailed/status/1818775274948878654

Sad :( Thanks for sharing though

You have to wall it off, or you risk polluting your data. Like all of the people that think cats are dumb will start uploading content of their dogs. or worse. Also, you have to be able to filter your input so it matches your results. I thought this is like research 101 level stuff

I couldn't fully grasp what he was trying to say and your summarization is both shorter and gets the point across better. Thanks

Persistent = stubborn about achieving a goal = good

Obstinate = stubborn about executing a solution = bad

Might be worth considering that in a specific example or context this may make sense, but zoom out further you will find that goals are solutions and solutions are goals.

It's a hierarchy, as Paul referred to as a "tree".

Each node in the acyclic graph is connected to a "why" node above it (goal) and a "how" node below it (solution).

OKRs reflect this in an organization.

People make decisions based on their values hierarchy, implicit or explicit.

If this isn't easy to follow maybe an example will help...

Let's say I have a goal of "provide reliable shelter for my family", the solution may be to "buy a house". Buying a house is also a goal, which maybe is slightly out of reach. So my solution is to "save a large portion of my income" and "secure a high paying job", these are also goals. The solution to saving may be a fintech app, discipline, good communication with my spouse, etc.. every solution is a goal with its own solutions and you can follow this tree down until you get into really specific motor tasks like taking a credit card out of a wallet or opening a door or turning the key to start a car.

Glad to be of help -- as a tangent, I greatly loved your hatdrop post!

I think these people get high off of their own supply. It’s a word soup of nonsense

This would be interesting, feel free to email me if you get stuck. If you had a camera at eye level, you could try to train it on recognizing the player jersey numbers.

Facial recognition would be better. Don’t forget that canonically in Mighty Ducks D2 Goldberg and Russ switched jerseys so that Russ could get his infamous “Knuckle Puck” shot off undisputed because everyone thought the puck was passed to Goldberg until the mask came off. So the ML training on jerseys would have missed this critical moment and potentially assigned the score to Goldberg, when really it was Russ (wearing Goldberg’s jersey) who should have gotten the credit.

One might argue that this sort of thing rarely happens so it’s not worth doing more complex facial recognition vis a vis Jersey numbering. But I say that while it may be rare, when it does happen it’s a major event, so no complexity should be spared to ensure we capture it accurately.

Typically beer league players wear full face cages so facial recognition is harder to do

I would have multiple camera footage. One gopro would be just be a wide-angle of the bench behind the players, another would be on the game clock, and additional ones would be on-ice footage. Typically my gopro set-up has been behind the goalie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCavsdzc-OY) and the rinks have Livebarn feeds (here's one on my YT from 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WEE9y4cAHg) but there are challenges in quality abound.

My hats are completely new and unworn! Lice free since June 23

You will need to book a spot first

He seems to be already fully booked until the 13th of August, must have been really successful, or maybe just the result of the exposure on HN? Hopefully people aren't booking spots just to troll.

I am seeking neighboring stores! Sometimes I crave gum on the street, Gum drop anyone?

To summarize, I used:

1. Low weight but very cool product (like Propeller Hats)

2. Raspberry Pi for controlling everything

3. Adafruit stepper motor for the dropping mechanism

4. Yarn for holding the hat

5. Roboflow for the AI

I dream of a world where I merely open my mouth and wish it and the gum just flies down into it, already unwrapped.

You’re working toward this world and I commend you.

I'll hold out for the teleportation-based version so I don't have to go through the effort of opening my mouth.

Startup opportunity: AI inside a small in-mouth implant to provide nerve stimulus to open mouth for you when it detects floaty inbound gum.

That does sound convenient. Can it be hooked up to my eyes to detect flies and close my mouth to make sure I don't inhale bugs while biking?

I would hope that we have invented error-free software development by then, though. Otherwise, a small error leading to the wrong coordinates could really ruin your day (or head)... ;)

Or use lasers and tiny gum-shaped smoke bombs to sample and model the local air column currents, pre soften and flatten a portion of the gum paper-thin with some sort of wettimg/rolling assembly, stage, then let it drop and form its own miniature gum parachute or replica of one of those whirling propeller seeds that have a built-in wing to slow their fall.

What about a “we will remember it for you wholesale” version of the gum experience - you pay money and are then implanted with memories that are indistinguishable from chewing the gum. I kinda think this is the end goal for all capitalism - you pay money for nothing.

Then a seagull flies overhead ;)

People still use gum in 2024? I thought it's a wide knowledge that it's bad for you in every single way

Apparently the knowledge isn't wide enough, because this is the first I'm hearing of it... Why is gum bad for you? I knew it was in a downward sales trend, but I figured that was just consumer preferences changing over time.

Gum with sugar is bad for your teeth. Gum without sugar has xylitol in it, which is good for your teeth, but may increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes due to it promoting blood clotting[1].

1: https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2024/06/06/cleveland-cl...

Wait... gum with sugar? That exists?

Yes? Bazooka, double bubble, and big league chew off the top of my head. As well as every gum ball I've ever seen.

Not seen those brands in Sweden, but I checked the one we have that's for kids, a bubble gum named Hubba Bubba. Indeed, it has sugar! TIL.

Ingredients are poor for mouth and gut microbiome, but then again so is mostly everything else that's processed


Since you haven't seen someone chewing gum in a while, I'm now curious about where you live. North Korea? Singapore?

Why does this remind me of something out of a certain old point and click adventure game, it was one that had the verb USE apply to every type of action.




"You used the GUM on yourself.

Nothing special happens.

You now have 0 GUM."

There was another game in the same genre that did the same, but with the verb OPERATE. As teenagers my friends and I used to laugh way too much at dialogue responses these games would craft, where you would get things like "OPERATE GUM on SELF"

I am pretty certain sugar-free gum is excellent for preventing cavities by increasing saliva production. That is one way it is not bad for you.

Well according to the gum brands it's good for your teeth. I've never heard of any evidence to the contrary, not even from my dentist.

I do, specifically Mastic gum.

Alright, I didn't mean the natural/medicinal gums

it's good for building up your jaw strength which can be pretty helpful.

Yes, one thing I wanted to mention was to develop/keep the jaw muscles, though eating dense enough food like nuts or dry froots does this too

At the speed of gravitational fall, it might choke you!

This is part of the challenge, as I want a pleasant experience. Not a terminal one.

Maybe a receiving chute? Small, portable, and a clearer indication (cannot be confused with a yawn), plus it'll open up the variety of comestibles you can purchase just s mouthful of. No more forks, no more spoons, just a little sloped thing to slow and guide

Perhaps small guided parachutes that receive an auto-correction location from the RPi and track the mouth? The issue is that the gum will be expensive.

Pre-chewed, perhaps.

For a slight additional fee.

CaaS (Chewed as a Service).

SaaCS (Service as a Chewing Substitute).

i work on roboflow. seeing all the creative ways people use computer vision is motivating for us. let me know (email in bio) if there's things you'd like to be better.

Slightly unrelated: Did the building owner/landlord complain about that? Is it legal?

I know a friend of mine whom the building asked to remove a camera they had. It was a camera used only to record the hill view in front of the building, so it isn't violating any privacy, and it was attached with magnets, so no damage whatsoever.

I was also curious about this. a bunch of BASE jumping hats dropping off a building is exactly the sort of project I would momentarily think about doing and never seriously entertain due to being certain that sooner or later someone, somewhere is going to sue me for some marginally harm-like side effect.

I don't know how litigous your region is but of all the people you know who have been sued, how many of them got sued for something silly vs a more low effort scheme like the classic throw yourself onto someones car and have 'back pain'? You might be safe to do silly shit on the basis that there are easier and better targets available.

Also curious if they had any grounds for that. I was under the impression that if you have a camera within your apartment (looking through window), nobody should be able to tell you no.

Unless perhaps the camera was attached outside their window (no longer their apartment), in a way that could be deemed unsafe and fall off and hurt someone, whereupon the building owner could be held liable? In that case I would find it reasonable to tell them to remove it.

> Unless perhaps the camera was attached outside their window

I remember it was on the balcony, securely attached. The building simply cited their policy, not any laws nor safety issues.

What if we had like a fridge with glass window and drinks or snacks organized in rows with identifiers for each. You could enter the identifier and make your payment to the fridge and it would drop the corresponding drink/snack to a slot on the bottom of the fridge.

> Sometimes I crave gum on the street

My immediate response to this was “ew, there’s already so much gum on the street”. Then I realized you meant you want to chew gum while walking down the street and I became enlightened.

There is always this option: https://youtu.be/vYrXLaU8guU

What do you think happens after they have enough of the gum? :)

After gum on the street, there's gum on the street

This is legitimately awesome. Nice job sir.

There’s plenty of gum already on the street. Simply scrape it up and you can have all the gum you desire.

the biggest thing he's overcoming is the rent?! how's he doing that while goofing off with projects like this?

Can you explain the intention behind your post?

The fact it was a whitepaper highly suggests a lifelong academic who has spent their careers publishing papers like these men, not a PHD student. Also, some of the word choices in the whitepaper and the initial reference to London banks being bailed out again suggest Satoshi is not a native American english speaker.

Who do you think writes most of the papers in the academic world? And what do you think PhD students spend most of their time doing?

Not PhD students. Anything else.

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