Yes, lol, yes. by all means.. if you are a linux guy, just buy a linux laptop (pick your flavor). You can get 2 or 3 for the price of one mac, and it will probably last longer (physical hardware)
So I just found out about this place from somebody telling me my rant is on ycombinator. Cool? I dunno.
Anyways, thanks for the thoughts. Answer some questions: I was mad at Vista and so I figured I'd date Apple instead to get back at Microsoft for the crap that is vista. After forcing myself to learn all the cool mac stuff I realized how screwed I was.
I have no clue who posted this here. This was just really for friends and so on. But your welcome to read and all that. Its the internets.. go crazy. -- boy I hope I dont have to make an account after I typed all this.
edit: no fair, you edited your comment :)