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Dawkins coined meme far before 9/11, and it's not primarily referring to funny images on the internet.

At the very least call it Israel vs Gaza, calling it just "Hamas" when many gazan civilians are involved does not fit what is happening. Language matters, and in fact I wouldn't even call it Israel vs Gaza, but Zionist Terrorists vs Palestine, because I don't recognize the settler colony "Israel".

I think by "involved" you mean victims, right? I read that wrong the first time and thought you were making the opposite point.

Completely agree that the framing is deliberate and bullshit. When you see what's actually happening, it's hard to believe that they're not actually trying to push Gazans into the sea (or Egypt).

The zionists have been trying to ethnically cleanse the palestinians and their leadership has made that very clear.

Gazans are involved as victims, but they also support Hamas since that is the only group that stands up for their rights and dares to fight back. You may not agree with them, but I do and completely understand the mindset. The only reason we even talk about Palestine now instead of allowing a slow genocide to happen, is because of the bravery of those men from the resistance who dared to fight back against the oppression.


I would say your post is the false propaganda, pretending everything is one sided and extremely complex, and that people should not be emotional when emotion is the root of ethics. Whatever your thoughts on how this war started, what's currently happening is clearly a massacre of the civilians of Gaza.

No as you admitted in your other comment you are just biased.

Again, how can you be perfectly "objective" writing about something when morality is subjective and based on emotion at its core. We can write about the facts and attempt to convince the audience based on appealing to their moral values, which is what OP is doing.

The problem is that people like you who are overthrown by their own emotions talk about objectivity. The only thing you champion with a view like yours is moral relativism.

Of course we're biased. 20,000 people have been killed by indescrimimate bombing. I would hope that makes you biased too

As long as the only solution is a one sided ceasefire there is no solution. That's what you people have to understand. You can be biased as much as you want to just pondering on one solution doesn't help anyone. The people in the region should understand that from experience.

A ceasefire is no solution and no one is calling it that. It’s a moral imperative that anyone with a shred of humanity can support given all key observers, including Biden, has called the Likud campaign indiscriminate bombing.

The bombing is not going to do anything. Hamas is not a regular army, there are 30k+ Hamas, when IDF tells people to clear an area, do you not think the Hamas clears it as well? Then what will all this bombing achieve?

Hamas will perform these attacks again, so long as Israel keeps closing millions of people in a box, in the world’s largest starvation camp, this cycle will come continue.

The only rational solution is a two state solution. Right now, Israel is pushing more people into Hamas, you can’t kill people’s children with your bombs and then even attempt to shift responsibility.

With nearly 20,000 people killed, Israel conducts an Oct 7, every 4 days, does so with impunity and cruelty.

Than put whatever you want on the table and don't go for the tiniest of denominators a ceasefire will change nothing it will probably worsen the situation for civilians because every side will have real breaches and even more propaganda ones. If not now when is the point to find a permanent solution if it's two states or whatever. Wasting time on a useless solution like it is done now will help no one except virtue signalling and everyone knows it.

Because a ceasefire stops the murder of innocents. This has to be above all hypotheticals.

Because he (and many others) are more invested in this war? That's why I care more, I didn't care about Russia/Ukraine but have far more knowledge and understanding of this one, and personal relationships.

For me, Ukraine and Palestine are the same team: the oppressed fighting a powerful oppressor. Plus, I'm Irish - we're always on the side of the colonized.

Though in this one, I live in the country oppressing (that being the US), and I'm part of the movement doing the oppressing (that being tech). So there's duty to speak up.

I think it’s interesting to equate Ukraine and Palestine, given that there are massive differences between the two.

For one thing, Ukraine hadn’t spent the last few decades shooting dozens or hundreds of rocket into Russia every day.

Putin’s war was precipitated by exactly nothing.

Israel’s war was precipitated by the worst terror attack Israel has ever seen, along with hostages taken back to what is clearly an enemy state (from their perspective).

Sure, both are wars. But that’s roughly where the similarities end.

That's hybris.

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